Hidden safes or rooms


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After gathering some reclaimed wood in Coastal Highway recently I was a little bit disappointed that after taking apart ~20 pieces of furniture I didn't find a single hidden item or at least something I have overlooked.

So it came to my mind that it would be a pretty nice thing to have hidden safes, spawning randomly similar to bunkers, behind shelves, armchairs or curtains or other things like paintings which may be salvageable in the future.

Maybe even hidden doors which would lead to bunkers or hidden rooms with supplies...

There could be scratches in the floor indicating that the shelf has been moved before.

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Like finding a key in the register at the Gas Station, and key that opens a strong box is one of the houses in the same region

+1 Could be like a little side quest. Might be a fun diversion, have a safe that requires both a key and a combination dial. Like the key in the station register unlocks the safe at Carter Hydro... another reason to have to move from one map area to another.

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Yeah more of that would be nice!

So I think it`maybe right here, when I tell you the story of what I found out today.

I´m at day 95 in my one game now and so I start to "delete" something behind the carter dam outside.

[spoil]I found a container in the tubes, what was hidden behind the pallets.[/spoil]

So I start a view more game so see what happen and I found it amazing.

[spoil]Behind the pallets I found sometimes container and sometimes backpacks with rare items.

I really believe I never found something before in that tubes.[/spoil]

Is this a new feature?

I really would like more of this hidden items. :-)

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Hmmm... I've been trying to spot something in those tubes but never saw a thing and taking all those pallets apart is a lot of work. You started several different games or did you find multiple things in those tubes?

And yes, finding something hidden is great, the moment when I found my first bunker and did not even know that they existed was so exciting, maybe the best experience I ever had in this game...

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I would love to see more of it the sandbox. Once you have been through it all a dozen times it starts to get repetitive. Finding hidden items/stashes would be a great incentive to keep active in the sandbox.

It would be something useful for the story mode as well I would imagine. An item needed to move onto the next section or something.. A key was mentioned and it got me to think of the mines. What if you needed to find a key to unlock the gate at some of the mines. It could even be once you got to the other side, you find it locked and have to backtrack through the mine to find a hidden key. Maybe on a body hidden away in some passage or something.

I think the bodies around the maps would be a great place for items needed to get to another local or even side adventures. Say find a map to a hidden bunker or something that you would have to figure out or piece together for that matter.

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