A few obvious suggestions (that no one seems to suggest)

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1. JUMPING. Why can I not jump? It seems silly that I can survive just fine in sub-zero temperatures, carrying god only knows how large a bag (considering my encumbrance), running the entire time, but I can't hop over this barely foot tall fallen log.

2. BREAKING THINGS. I have seen at least a dozen chairs, wooden beds, etc etc... but no way to simply smash the chair against the wall, taking the random pieces of wood with me, and using the one leg as a weapon.

3. HARVESTING BODIES. Not just frozen deer carcasses, I'm talking human bodies. Dude's wearing clothes, and I'm freezing cold... I'm taking the dude's jacket, pants, you name it. He'd be a naked dead corpse in a few minutes in a post-apocalyptic environment, is all I'm saying.

4. SIGNS OF OTHER HUMANS. Maybe it's me, and I got really lucky, but my first game, I found the trapper's hut, cleared it out in a hurry, and waited throughout the night to see if he was going to come back. I mean, the smoke trail from his house led me there (so I assume he had a fire going), but coming inside, no fire, no human, and a treasure trove of undefended stuff. I would have liked to have (a) woken up with a gun in my face, or (b) have had the door open suddenly, and me have the choice to rob him, kill him, or whatnot.

That's just off the first 2 days of my frozen wasteland adventure. Please don't take this as complaints, so far I love the game... but I'm finding certain inconsistencies are very confusing and annoying in equal measures.

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I'm going to take a quick crack at these.

1. JUMPING. Why can I not jump? It seems silly that I can survive just fine in sub-zero temperatures, carrying god only knows how large a bag (considering my encumbrance), running the entire time, but I can't hop over this barely foot tall fallen log.

I believe the intent of the game is that you are spending a lot of time slogging through several inches to feet of snow. In all likelihood, you wouldn't want to jump around in that environment. That being said, I do wish that some of the smaller obstacles could be mantled/stepped over. There were times where I expected to "step up" onto a little edge only to find out that I couldn't, or tried to walk through a little snow drift only to find it was an immovable obstacle.

2. BREAKING THINGS. I have seen at least a dozen chairs, wooden beds, etc etc... but no way to simply smash the chair against the wall, taking the random pieces of wood with me, and using the one leg as a weapon.

There has been plenty of talk of utilizing the materials in a house by explicitly interacting with them (smashing, etc.). Right now, it's modelled by foraging inside a house, but the chairs and tables don't vanish when you do this. I'm not sure if the intent is ever to make it an explicit interaction with wooden objects.

If they make foraging an explicit task (like you walk up to branches and use an axe on them to get firewood), I would expect the same behavior with chairs and tables in houses. But so far, it's modelled through the 'Forage Wood' interface.

3. HARVESTING BODIES. Not just frozen deer carcasses, I'm talking human bodies. Dude's wearing clothes, and I'm freezing cold... I'm taking the dude's jacket, pants, you name it. He'd be a naked dead corpse in a few minutes in a post-apocalyptic environment, is all I'm saying.

I've always viewed this as this: As you are examining the body, you are looking for usable stuff. Presumably, the body has been laying out there long enough that the clothing is essentially all condition 0% (unless of course, you happen to get some clothing from the body). It's not that you couldn't strip the bodies, it's that what they are wearing isn't worth taking. I suppose the devs could have you grab everything off the body, and all the condition 0% stuff is "RUINED" and you'd have to deal with throwing it away on your own, but that seems tedious.

4. SIGNS OF OTHER HUMANS. Maybe it's me, and I got really lucky, but my first game, I found the trapper's hut, cleared it out in a hurry, and waited throughout the night to see if he was going to come back. I mean, the smoke trail from his house led me there (so I assume he had a fire going), but coming inside, no fire, no human, and a treasure trove of undefended stuff. I would have liked to have (a) woken up with a gun in my face, or (b) have had the door open suddenly, and me have the choice to rob him, kill him, or whatnot.

Ah. I had the same experience when I first played. Right now, the game is playable only in sandbox mode, so no other humans. But the developers are working on a Story mode, which will presumably have humans and human interactions in it. The "evidences of life" at the trapper's home are probably for the Story mode.

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1. JUMPING. Why can I not jump? It seems silly that I can survive just fine in sub-zero temperatures, carrying god only knows how large a bag (considering my encumbrance), running the entire time, but I can't hop over this barely foot tall fallen log.

2. BREAKING THINGS. I have seen at least a dozen chairs, wooden beds, etc etc... but no way to simply smash the chair against the wall, taking the random pieces of wood with me, and using the one leg as a weapon.

3. HARVESTING BODIES. Not just frozen deer carcasses, I'm talking human bodies. Dude's wearing clothes, and I'm freezing cold... I'm taking the dude's jacket, pants, you name it. He'd be a naked dead corpse in a few minutes in a post-apocalyptic environment, is all I'm saying.

4. SIGNS OF OTHER HUMANS. Maybe it's me, and I got really lucky, but my first game, I found the trapper's hut, cleared it out in a hurry, and waited throughout the night to see if he was going to come back. I mean, the smoke trail from his house led me there (so I assume he had a fire going), but coming inside, no fire, no human, and a treasure trove of undefended stuff. I would have liked to have (a) woken up with a gun in my face, or (b) have had the door open suddenly, and me have the choice to rob him, kill him, or whatnot.

That's just off the first 2 days of my frozen wasteland adventure. Please don't take this as complaints, so far I love the game... but I'm finding certain inconsistencies are very confusing and annoying in equal measures.

Thanks for the suggestions. They've actually popped up in a couple of other threads, but I can give you a little feedback here.

1) The short version of the answer to the "jumping" question is this: It will only be added when the developers feel it will add something meaningful to the experience. As of now, jumping wouldn't serve much of a purpose, and would also require a reassessment of the entire world so it could basically be retopologized to accommodate the new mechanic.

2) While you can't break furniture in the sense you're suggesting, you can at least harvest "reclaimed wood", which is the same basic idea. Maybe not as satisfying as smashing a house full of furniture, but we do allow practical use of the interior wood in a sense. I'll add the weapon mechanic you mentioned to a list of suggestions I have.

3) This one has been brought up fairly recently a couple of times. It's good general feedback, and we'll definitely keep it in mind, but PolarBear70 makes a good point by suggesting the condition of most clothes left exposed to the elements for so long would likely be unusable, or not worth the trouble.

4) There will be NPCs in the future. That's all the information I can provide there.

Thanks again!

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3) Regarding clothes - I do agree that conditions of clothing would be less... awesome... but (a) you'd still have the ability to strip for cloth, and (b) you should be able to dry them somewhat sufficiently on / near a fire. For instance, during my... less houseful days, I was able to wash and dry socks and shirts using puddles and fire barrels - the same should work for anything else, although with more risk to the item, of course.

1) I like this answer, and will hold hope that it will come one day. I just have a certain level of expectations when it comes to realism, and while I agree with Polar Bear's logic of snow blocking jumping, I know that interiors would not have that problem. Also, I assume (and may be wrong) that there will eventually be seasons, and in that case, jumping would not only be logical, it may be downright necessary.

4) I was hoping that was the answer :-D I cannot wait to see where this game goes :-D

2) I did not know that - that's pretty awesome. I dunno why I didn't see that option - perhaps I didn't have the hatchet when I was near a chair :-S I'll have to try that.

More suggestions after speaking with my wifey, a biology major :-D

5) Birds - All migratory birds would have serious trouble in this world. Perhaps an exploration of what kind of things would happen to them without the magnetic poles to assist in migration would be intriguing. This would also mean that more predatory birds would survive easier / be more plentiful (since they don't migrate). But you may already have that in mind :-D

More to come! This game is so cool :-D

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5) Birds - All migratory birds would have serious trouble in this world. Perhaps an exploration of what kind of things would happen to them without the magnetic poles to assist in migration would be intriguing. This would also mean that more predatory birds would survive easier / be more plentiful (since they don't migrate). But you may already have that in mind :-D

More to come! This game is so cool :-D

I actually read about this the other day! It's very interesting stuff. In addition to all the funkiness that happens with the geomagnetic insanity, I also learned the Earth's magnetic fields have reversed themselves several times. The most recent occurrence was about 780,000 years ago. I'm learning so much from this game and community :)

Tell your wife thanks for the tip!

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Wasn't Will's plane brought down by the onset of the storm moments before we begin playing? If that is still the case the people on the ground should only be mildly inconvienced at this point due to the power being out. Those that were outside or at a location without electricity may not be aware of anything being amiss at all.

Unless Will flew through a time portal on his way down causing the earth to age weeks, months, or even years (judging by the condition of the coastal highway) before his boots ever hit the ground.

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As a survival situation sometimes demands; Looting might be in order for progression. I'd gladly loot a corpse for its clothes GIVEN the idea that the clothes MIGHT be better than those i already wear. The condition (as already spoken of) of the looted clothes are frozen through so it would take a lot of body energy to melt to later on dry and get warm again, quite ineffective! Another thing is that i would never touch the pants because the dead condition appears to make you crap your pants fully and i'm not going to wear a full diaper around the winter woods.

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I would like to harvest the meat from those frozen bodies as well.

And before you judge me, no one will ever know...and that means its ok. ;)

Thats the spirit! :lol:

I understand the rational behind harvesting a corpse for food but I think we are not taking something into account. Right now, we see the corpse as something akin to what is in your freezer. What if they were actually freezer burned and/or mummified? American Indians used Pinion Canyon, CO as a burial site where they either put their dead in crevases, on certain rock outcrops or sky burials.


We actually could not go to certain areas that were within the military maneuver site because of this. However, on a few occasions we could see the burial locations or actual bodies 10m to 20m just inside the protected zone. Some of the corpses were put against a cliff face and were semi protected, though the wind still whipped through like crazy. One of the Game Wardens that helped manage the area showed us two bodies that had been put out not a month before. You looked at them through binos and they looked like mummies. The cold wind just dried them out.

Not knowing how long ago some of these people die and lay exposed plays a big part in this. If you have the stomach for it, Google "Frozen Corpses" and then look at the images. Now we can say we would or would not based on game mechanic or personal conviction but we are not actually IN that situation. Would we do it if it might save us? Dunno. That is an question for every individual. If the corpses had been exposed so long that they had become freezer burned/mummies it would be a moot point. You could loot them but eating them would be out of the question.

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5) Birds - All migratory birds would have serious trouble in this world. Perhaps an exploration of what kind of things would happen to them without the magnetic poles to assist in migration would be intriguing. This would also mean that more predatory birds would survive easier / be more plentiful (since they don't migrate). But you may already have that in mind :-D

Interesting point, but not quite true regarding predatory birds. Most predatory birds also migrate; at least those in the North. There is not enough prey available to them to sustain them in snow-covered areas, and/or they just are not built for the cold. E.g. check the range map for Red-Tailed Hawk here. You'll see it has a year-round and summer range. (some southern portion of the range may not migrate at all)

Owls are the general exception to this, but even Snowy Owls migrate from the extreme north in some winters. :)

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  • 7 months later...
1. JUMPING. Why can I not jump? It seems silly that I can survive just fine in sub-zero temperatures, carrying god only knows how large a bag (considering my encumbrance), running the entire time, but I can't hop over this barely foot tall fallen log.

Thanks for the suggestions. They've actually popped up in a couple of other threads, but I can give you a little feedback here.

1) The short version of the answer to the "jumping" question is this: It will only be added when the developers feel it will add something meaningful to the experience. As of now, jumping wouldn't serve much of a purpose, and would also require a reassessment of the entire world so it could basically be retopologized to accommodate the new mechanic.

Thanks again!

Just want to say that even if jumping is on hold, at least the ability to walk over a 4 inch snow-step would go along way. This is also affecting some hills as you are limited by somewhat not that steep areas at all.

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Maps are something you draw yourself really. As someone who started playing this game from almost the very beginning, One of the major playing points in the game was the lack of map, and having to navigate by yourself using familiar landmarks and self drawn maps.

I feel that including an in-game map would deprive new players of that feeling of exploration and discovery.

If you KNOW there will be a house in the next few hundred yards, you don't really worry, but if you THINK there is a house somewhere in this forest but you aren't certain where, it adds to the tension and atmosphere, as well as the immersion.

I would like to find scraps of maps and notes indicating locations, but I would like to leave the map-making to the player. A draw utility with a notebook would be nice in the game, perhaps.

As for GPS - the Aurora would burn that out faster than you can say "Northern Lights" - all advanced technology has been rendered useless by the geomagnetic storm.

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2. BREAKING THINGS. I have seen at least a dozen chairs, wooden beds, etc etc... but no way to simply smash the chair against the wall, taking the random pieces of wood with me, and using the one leg as a weapon.

There has been plenty of talk of utilizing the materials in a house by explicitly interacting with them (smashing, etc.). Right now, it's modelled by foraging inside a house, but the chairs and tables don't vanish when you do this. I'm not sure if the intent is ever to make it an explicit interaction with wooden objects.

If they make foraging an explicit task (like you walk up to branches and use an axe on them to get firewood), I would expect the same behavior with chairs and tables in houses. But so far, it's modelled through the 'Forage Wood' interface. There is broken cabinets and i wish we can break those down

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