Condition restores too quickly


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Tested this in the pilgrim mode:

It seems the formula for regenerating condition when sleeping is:

For the current:

PercentGenerated(n) = 1+n (so 2% for first hour, 3% for the second hour, 4% for the third hour, and so on).

[table=][tr=][td=]Hrs Slept[/td][td=]Condition Gained[/td][td=][/td][/tr]

[tr=][td=][/td][td=]This Hour[/td][td=]Total[/td][/tr]













It is a good idea, to reward longer sleeping time: of course you cant regenerate that well, if you sleep 5 times for 1 hour compared to sleeping just once for 5 hours. But i think the curve is way too steep.

You can starve yourself for 5 days, going down to 5-10%, then eat 900cal, sleep once for 12hrs straight and you are at 100% again. As long as keep drinking you can hold out very long doing it this way.

I get that naturally you can starve for days, but you don't just regain full condition by just eating once and sleeping for 12hrs in real life do you? Also, notice that it would take a while and a lot of calories to build up enough fat again, so you can starve again without dropping condition. You can't live forever using 900cal for 5 days.

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I think that the reason for the lowered condition should be considered.

As you can get down to 10% with a few days starving, it's not that unreasonable that you'd get better with staying well fed for a day. (as it would take a few weeks to get to 10% condition not a few days accelerating recovery makes sense).

However it seems if you've gotten to such a low point through a wolf attack, healing that up should take a bit longer, it takes time to heal puncture and tear wounds.

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Just made my researches. If we "simulate" the Long Dark in Real Life, one could live for 10-15 days without eating, but he will then need to get the "lipid" (fat) stocks back to a normal condition, and that isn't possible just by eating a bunny burger.

What could be incredibly viable & would slightly increase the difficulty (isn't that what it's all about? We want to Survive the days, not Live them) is that when the hungry bar increases, the amount of calories needed to get it low would also increase.

I mean: If Food bar is 1/4 full, then the usual 600kcal would be sufficient to be "well fed". But when the bar is 3/4 full, the usual ~1'800kcal won't be enough: we would need to eat for 2'500.

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I came to post something exactly like this. I agree with you completely. Though I feel condition returning this fast wouldn't be as bad if starving didn't reduce your condition in a linear way as well. I think it would make sense for starving to be curved somehow so that the longer you've been starving the more condition gets taken off per hour. I also like FluffyGotKilled's idea above on Starving.

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