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About muoz

  • Birthday 07/08/1987

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  1. Maybe only 3-4 bullets would be fun, and you could experience late game content
  2. No Revolver on interloper confirmed 😥
  3. I also would like to know if that's possible. In case the revolver has been added to Interloper: what if I allready had a game running before the patch? It will appear in my current game somewhere?
  4. Has anyone know if the Revolver is now spawning in Interloper?
  5. A friend of mine has the same problem. I think is bugged!
  6. ¡Hola Irishman! Deberías de proponer tus ideas y sugerencias en el canal de Milton Mailbag para que lo lean los desarrolladores: Milton Mailbag La idea de la claustrofobia es forzarte a salir al mundo abierto y que no te pases días y días encerrado en casa. El problema de añadir algo como tallar en madera es que la claustrofobia ya no tendría sentido porque no haría falta salir al aire libre. En mi opinión craftear ropa es bastante relajante y ya debería de bajar el estrés
  7. Hola Upfrontjunk! Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Se dice "He pensado que sería buena idea practicar mi español aquí" Subiré algún vídeo más para que los veas. Un saludo
  8. This questions are directed to the Survival Mode Dev team: Was it planned by dev team that the indefinite survival is possible or that was an unexpected outcome? Is it intended that magnifying lens don't decay? Is it in your plans to review/rethink late-game? Lately I read a lot of players arguing that the worst enemy of long term survivals is boredom, and I think it has a lot to do with the sensation of indefinite survival. What makes exciting to play is the knowledge that you will die evetually. Beachcombing and magnifying lens, mainly, make possible to survive indefinitely. Have you considered to "nerf" some mechanics in this sense? For example disabling beachcombing at some point, magnifying lens actually decay, spoiled food not eatable and so. Thanks a lot!
  9. Could you consider randomize the spawn of wolves in caves? I just discovered that there is a cave in Desolation Point with a wolf living in it and was an amazing experience (I panic a bit). I think it would greatly improve the gameplay experience inside caves because you wouldn't know if there are wolves inside or not, and you will need to be focused.
  10. ¡Hola a todos! Aquí os dejo un pequeño vídeo de mi primer día jugando en Interloper. ¡Espero que os guste! (La idea para el vídeo viene del trailer de Prey: Mooncrash, uno de mis juegos favoritos. Os recomiendo probarlo)
  11. Great work Raph!! I'm sure it will be amazing. You are building such an epic game!
  12. Are you considering to adress the problem with rotten meat being possible to be cooked? Food at 0% can be cooked and you have new fresh food at 50% condition. That's a bit weird. Thinking of the late game, you can spread around meat everywhere and come back 1 year later and you can still cook and eat that food because at the end meat never spoils.
  13. I noticed that when there is wind the blood marks and footprints dissapear.
  14. Have you considered programming randomized loot tables?