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  1. I'm pretty sure you have, you might just not have accumulated enough to warrant the UI update. You can tank a small amount of chemical damage before it warns you.
  2. Presented entirely without context. Enjoy.
  3. 1 extra second. The default is 5, with crampons you can be on ice for 6 seconds. Doesn't sound like much but that's a 20% increase, and really makes a huge difference. At a full sprint you can travel a good distance in 1 second.
  4. Level 5 everything. I mod my life. Even got the flying mod installed, although I only figured out down so far.
  5. ajb1978


    Wouldn't do a thing. A bear spear's tip is fitted with a sort of crossguard, so that after the tip plunges in, the crossguard prevents it from punching clean through thus keeping the bear at bay. The long pole of the spear is intended to be braced against the ground or other steady object, such that the bear impales itself using its own energy, not your own. A dagger at the end of a shoulder-mounted rifle....you may as well just take another shot and hope for the best.
  6. A red penalty to your hunger meter, making you unable to eat until it passes.
  7. ajb1978

    50 kg Flour

    Basically yeah but random, renewable, and exposed to the elements. Maybe stick 'em right along a bear path.
  8. ajb1978

    50 kg Flour

    Entering it would be a bit much. But adding a new kind of sealed shipping container to beachcombing which requires extra time to open, but can contain things like flour which would be quickly rendered useless when exposed to the elements. Perhaps require lugging around Tools or Quality Tools and an hour or so sitting out there in the open, to dismantle and open what is a very well-sealed box. In return, the box can contain any kind of loot, from mundane to extremely rare, and it's always at 100%. Or heck. People have been begging for a shotgun. Give 'em a breaching shotgun that you have to actually load, aim, and blast the container with. Not terribly effective for hunting, but can be used to scare off wildlife or blast open those shipping crates. And possibly security doors in (insert hypothetical DLC here.) Edit: Hmm or spawn one of those sealed containers waaaaay out on thin ice. The only way to open it is to blast it with a firearm, which physically destroys the object in the environment. Then the player sprints out to pick up the gear which spawned inside of it (sort of like how gear can be hidden "inside" crates after you smash them.)
  9. Well my first day back in PV I found 3 bears, and I wasn't even looking hard, so seems fine to me!
  10. Hm been on a Fallout kick lately, might have to pick this back up and make a trip to PV and see what's what in my run.
  11. Lol nope, not one bit. Y'all can keep those Harlequin books!
  12. Well the mod just flat out disables them. The disclaimers were included for a reason so they won't just disable them. And adding in an ability to selectively diable them after viewing them the first time is understandably a low priority with everything else going on.
  13. Yep, I've asked for this in the past so naturally I back this. FYI on PC there is a mod that lets you bypass that, which I absolutely use.