Hello Darkness My Old Friend


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I was out of all resources in pleasant Valley. Enough wood, food and water to survive a day or two in the wilderness to trek to a new primary location out of Pleasant Valley. The day starts normal but I am having a hard time finding a way out. A blizzard comes, have to find protection from wind and use firewood. The blizzard feels like it will never end, end up using more fire wood than expected. Who knew hell was a frozen tundra. I decide to try and find shelter back in a farm house but can'e see where I am or where power lines are, just keep moving. The day is slowly turning into night and I am so low on resources with nothing left to scavenge I just need to get out. Night time approaches, and I have a little fuel left in my lantern, I just keep trekking, still unable to find an exit. Fuel gone, middle of nowhere, only wooden matches. I just keep moving, I have no idea where I am, and have basically no food or water left, so dark I can't see sticks on the ground, just keep moving. Darkness surrounds me, the winds howl and I know this is signs of a storm, just keep moving. No resources, no wood, no shelter, no idea where I am. I'm freezing, starving, dehydrated and lost. I go places I swear I have never seen before and won't remember how I got there. I start seeing faces of people in the snow, some were once friends, loved ones, others made up. I knew death was at my door so the idea of preserving any energy was gone. I told the wind how I loved my family in hopes it would take my words to them, my tears freezing and mixing with the blowing snow. I just wanted to see the sun, feel its warmth again.  I some how survive the night,   At dawn, the sun rises on the same fields of Pleasant valley I was trying to escape from. As I pass I feel it's warmth on my face for one..last....time........ 

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A familiar experience, for sure. I was hoping the next sentence would detail that sense of total relief when a building materialized in front of you to give you one last chance at survival...But maybe next time. Stay warm. 

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