New Article--A Personal Apocalypse in the Russian Arctic

Patrick Carlson

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Welcome back to our regular series on survival “literature,” where we take a novel, a film, a game, etc. and frame it within the context of The Long Dark. In this entry I look at Alexei Popogrebsky’s 2010 film How I Ended This Summer. Set in the remote Russian arctic, it deals with the psychological tension that surfaces when trying to survive in one of the world’s most isolated places.

The film also makes an interesting argument about how intense a "personal apocalypse" can be, when an individual experiences this disaster in such a remote location. So beyond just recommending you check out this interesting recent film, I think the story parallels some of what we experience in The Long Dark.

When wandering the game's sandbox, does our isolation intensify feelings of vulnerability in the face of disaster, or does it add to our resolve to survive?

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