Ability to wear layers of clothing (two sweaters at a time)


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Guest Alan Lawrance

Layering is supported, but not with two items that occupy the same "layer". We support up to three layers of clothing -- but it is something like a shirt + sweater + coat, not multiple sweaters.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Well....the thing is, in RL it's actually not completely benificial to wear a ton of layers to keep you warm. It's good to keep the wind out, which matters a lot but warmth? A bit iffier.

You would have to use more body-heat to warm those layers first after all and it takes longer for them to warm up because they have to transfer that heat through multiple levels of materials. And since there is not a lot of heat present in the game that would take a long time and use a lot of energy.

See it as this.

You put on a cold sweater (you just found it in the snow on a corpse after all) and you put it on.

Your body was about...i dunno...let's say 30 degrees for easy sake...to start with.

You body will then use a few of those degrees to warm that sweater up so your skin doesn't get cold.

Result, your body is now 28 degrees and has to use energy and calories to warm it up to 30 again.

You then find another sweater and put that on as well.

Again your body will have to use precious heat to warm that sweater because it's cooling the one underneath it which in that ones turn is cooling your skin again.

See what I mean?

You also can't solve it with heaters because if you wear multiple levels the heat will have to go through all of them before it reaches you.

True, it will take longer before you feel the cold but you also take longer to feel warm. So people who are cold in the winter....don't solve it by wearing a ton load of layers...it actually doesn't work all that well. You are better off with just wearing a few layers of material that keeps heat well and wind out.

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Well....the thing is, in RL it's actually not completely benificial to wear a ton of layers to keep you warm. It's good to keep the wind out, which matters a lot but warmth? A bit iffier.

You would have to use more body-heat to warm those layers first after all and it takes longer for them to warm up because they have to transfer that heat through multiple levels of materials. And since there is not a lot of heat present in the game that would take a long time and use a lot of energy.

See it as this.

You put on a cold sweater (you just found it in the snow on a corpse after all) and you put it on.

Your body was about...i dunno...let's say 30 degrees for easy sake...to start with.

You body will then use a few of those degrees to warm that sweater up so your skin doesn't get cold.

Result, your body is now 28 degrees and has to use energy and calories to warm it up to 30 again.

You then find another sweater and put that on as well.

Again your body will have to use precious heat to warm that sweater because it's cooling the one underneath it which in that ones turn is cooling your skin again.

See what I mean?

You also can't solve it with heaters because if you wear multiple levels the heat will have to go through all of them before it reaches you.

True, it will take longer before you feel the cold but you also take longer to feel warm. So people who are cold in the winter....don't solve it by wearing a ton load of layers...it actually doesn't work all that well. You are better off with just wearing a few layers of material that keeps heat well and wind out.

I have to agree with this. Also, I like the idea of crafting more robust clothing that DOES keep heat in and wind out.

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I would appreciate that for any clothing in your inventory, it was grouped by the place it goes on your body. So Mittens and Basic Gloves would be grouped into the hand category, while Work Boots and Insulated Boots and Basic Boots would be grouped into the Foot Exterior category. As it stands, it's a little complicated figuring out if one bit of clothing will conflict with another.

Perhaps having a paper-doll mechanic might work well, dragging and dropping gear onto your inventory avatar.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well....the thing is, in RL it's actually not completely benificial to wear a ton of layers to keep you warm. It's good to keep the wind out, which matters a lot but warmth? A bit iffier.

You would have to use more body-heat to warm those layers first after all and it takes longer for them to warm up because they have to transfer that heat through multiple levels of materials. And since there is not a lot of heat present in the game that would take a long time and use a lot of energy.

See it as this.

You put on a cold sweater (you just found it in the snow on a corpse after all) and you put it on.

Your body was about...i dunno...let's say 30 degrees for easy sake...to start with.

You body will then use a few of those degrees to warm that sweater up so your skin doesn't get cold.

Result, your body is now 28 degrees and has to use energy and calories to warm it up to 30 again.

You then find another sweater and put that on as well.

Again your body will have to use precious heat to warm that sweater because it's cooling the one underneath it which in that ones turn is cooling your skin again.

See what I mean?

You also can't solve it with heaters because if you wear multiple levels the heat will have to go through all of them before it reaches you.

True, it will take longer before you feel the cold but you also take longer to feel warm. So people who are cold in the winter....don't solve it by wearing a ton load of layers...it actually doesn't work all that well. You are better off with just wearing a few layers of material that keeps heat well and wind out.

I agree with you that it would take time before a cold (possibly frozen) piece of clothing will help keep you warm, and heat from a fire taking longer to reach your body through more layers. But I don't agree that layers don't do much to keep you warm. Each layer traps some air that will act as extra insulation. Say you find 3 wool sweaters. The first is a heavy wool sweater and the others are both thin wool sweaters, that together are of the same thickness as the heavy wool sweater. In this game you would wear the heavy wool sweater, but in reality wearing the 2 thin sweaters over each other would provide more insulation due to the extra layer of air trapped between them. And warming up 1 heavy sweater will take more time/ calories than 1 thin sweater, so the 2 sweaters combined could take approximately the same time it takes to warm the 1 heavy sweater.

Also, wearing multiple layers gives you the option of shedding layers if you get to warm or adding layers when you get to cold. In very cold conditions, sweat is very dangerous. If you have to run for instance, you will warm up and possibly start to sweat. Then your clothes get damp with your sweat and after you stop running you will cool off. The moisture in your clothes will drain away extra heat from your body. You can prevent this by taking off layers when you start to warm up. This way, you can maintain a comfortable body temperature without sweating to much. Once you stop your exercise, you put the layers back on to prevent cooling down.

I'm going to end this post with a note on my personal experience on this matter. I'm an avid snowboarder/ skier. Long ago I used to wear three layers (on my torso) while snowboarding: a t-shirt, a heavy sweater and a winter jacket. Nice when the weather gets really cold, or when you are not doing much. But when you are actually boarding and the weather is not extremely cold, you get pretty warm wearing this.

Today, I usually wear 4-5 layers, depending on the weather. If the weather is good I wear 4 layers: A long-sleeved thermo shirt, a t-shirt, a skipulli (long-sleeved, tight fitting shirt with a turtle neck collar) or a thin sweater and a winter jacket. If it gets really cold I will wear both the skipully and the thin sweater or the skipully with a heavy sweater. And when I stop at a restaurant for lunch or a cup of tea/ hot chocolate, I always strip down to at least the skipully, because inside you heat up very fast.

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Well....the thing is, in RL it's actually not completely benificial to wear a ton of layers to keep you warm. It's good to keep the wind out, which matters a lot but warmth? A bit iffier.

You would have to use more body-heat to warm those layers first after all and it takes longer for them to warm up because they have to transfer that heat through multiple levels of materials. And since there is not a lot of heat present in the game that would take a long time and use a lot of energy.

See it as this.

You put on a cold sweater (you just found it in the snow on a corpse after all) and you put it on.

Your body was about...i dunno...let's say 30 degrees for easy sake...to start with.

You body will then use a few of those degrees to warm that sweater up so your skin doesn't get cold.

Result, your body is now 28 degrees and has to use energy and calories to warm it up to 30 again.

You then find another sweater and put that on as well.

Again your body will have to use precious heat to warm that sweater because it's cooling the one underneath it which in that ones turn is cooling your skin again.

See what I mean?

You also can't solve it with heaters because if you wear multiple levels the heat will have to go through all of them before it reaches you.

True, it will take longer before you feel the cold but you also take longer to feel warm. So people who are cold in the winter....don't solve it by wearing a ton load of layers...it actually doesn't work all that well. You are better off with just wearing a few layers of material that keeps heat well and wind out.

Once you have 1 warm layer (let's say a sweater), you can put on a few similar cold layers without losing much body heat. And the feasibility of this depends on the circumstances. Let's say you have this one jumper on you plus some thin cotton shirt underneath. There's no coat around, but there are 4 corpses dressed in similar jumpers/sweaters. Now, you need to make a trek outside in windy conditions with snowing. If you go as you are, you will be not only cold, but also wet in no time. The additional jumpers/sweaters will be usefull more for their insulation against wind and moisture than anythign else. the top 2 jumpers will after some time get wet, but the once you have on your body should stay relatively dry and keep you safe.

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