Predators Detecting Weakness


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I would like to see increased aggressiveness when the survivor is in a weakened state of health. IRL predatory animals can pick up on injured or weak prey. In this environment, it seems like the predatory animals should sense that also. I would love to be in a weakened state and be even further terrified that "the wolves are coming". :twisted:

Maybe it's already in-game and I just haven't noticed it clearly yet. It's hard to tell, because seeing it from my perspective would merely be antidotal evidence.

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Glad someone brought this up -- I've always tried walking backward whenever I had a sprained ankle and a wolf was following -- figured if I turned to try getting away normally, I would just get that deadly growling pounce from behind that always scares the pancakes out of me...

I figure if I walk backwards and he charges, I might get in a lucky swing -- although I do find it frustrating when I have a crowbar equipped, but it has zero effect in a battle [i mostly carry it equipped more for the sake of feeling I at least stand a chance if something jumps out and says boo! (or Grrrr)

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Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves has a neat system of intimidation. Enemies don't just attack immediately, but must overcome their fear of the player and fire. They circle around the player, giving him the chance to try and whittle down the odds from range and extend the intimidation a bit. It makes for great, tense standoffs.

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