Wolves can sneak up on you now?


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So i was playing a fresh game, i was around Dead Fall in Mystery Lake and in my inventory and in trappers cabin i had 2 rabit skins and enough to make deer boots.

But look dead ahead there were my 2 of my snares and they had cought 2 rabbits. So if i could harvest these and get to the trappers cabin i could make 2 pieces of clothes in one go. Score! So i got greedy. But between me and the 2 traps there was a wolf who was eating a (3rd) rabbit. And i had to go through a small passage to get to my 2 snares so i was getting real close to the wolf. But i thought i could do it because i had a flare. So i walked very slowly and passed the wolf and it didnt attack me. So i thought i was clear and proceeded to harvest the 2 rabbits.

I thought me and this wolf we are friends now. We each can take advantage of a rabbit and well be fine. And have like a temporarily mutual relationship in which we both benefits instead of fighting each other.

The 2 rabbits where done and i was in a hurry because i was down to 50% condition due to freezing, but once i would be inside trappers cabin everything would be fine and i would be rigged! I even had lumber stacked at trabbers cabin. So i just rushed to the trappers cabin without looking back.

Suddenly out of nowhere a wolf attacked me from behind, it didnt even gave out a warning. I stabbed it once and send it bleeding away. I thought it was strange that after one stab it would be so hurt, but i didnt gave it more thought and since it was bleeding i thought i was safe for now, and just rushed down to trappers cabin. But then halfway the wolf came again on me, and again without no warning, i even had my flare out but when the wolf didnt gave out any warning i didnt have time to ignite it. So it jumped on me with 100% condition and i died.

Wtf? so now wolves can jump on you without any warning? This was on medium difficulty.

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They can sometimes attack without making noise first. If you harvested the meat this is a BIG plus on the chance of being attacked by a wolf, and being low on health also adds to it. If you know a wolf is around either carry a lit flare or torch and keep looking around, or if you have an open field equip a rifle. Tip for next time: If you have a lit flare throw it towards the wolf. That causes it to run away. Then make a fire next to the rabbits so it's less likely to get close while harvesting (have been attacked while harvesting too), and on the way back use the flare/rifle. If it's not too cold and you have a while to go before reaching shelter again you can even consider immediately cooking the meat after harvesting, so you don't walk around with raw meat. If you are good on food you can even drop a decoy if you suspect a wolf hunting you, if you are low on food make sure you keep looking around.

If they haven't seen you yet but you are getting close you can often hear howling. If they feel threatened by you they'll often growl. If they don't feel threatened or already picked you as a target they may be quiet.

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Suddenly out of nowhere a wolf attacked me from behind, it didnt even gave out a warning. I stabbed it once and send it bleeding away. I thought it was strange that after one stab it would be so hurt, but i didnt gave it more thought and since it was bleeding i thought i was safe for now, and just rushed down to trappers cabin. But then halfway the wolf came again on me, and again without no warning, i even had my flare out but when the wolf didnt gave out any warning i didnt have time to ignite it. So it jumped on me with 100% condition and i died.

If you are to close to a wolf, then he attacks you withou warning. If the wolf, who attacked you second time had full health, then it was another one. Wolves patrol paths around Trapper's homestead lead around rocks, so it can happen, that a wolf is hidden behind rock and jumps at you out of blue.

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