Wrapped in Furs run II


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It's the weekend, which means... playtime! My untimely death and my "nakedness" (no Wrapped in Furs achievement to cover myself) cannot stand, another (Stalker) run is necessary. I will not drown the reader in details, let's just take a snapshot of the current situation:

Day 17 sees me trying on my new deerskin boots in my main base - Radio Control Hut in PV. I started again in PV, as I liked the challenge last time - it seems to me a bit more difficult than starting in ML, which I have done many times. This is only the second time I started in PV, the first time having been my first Wrapped in Furs run. I made my way to the Farmstead first, collected myself a bit and then moved up Signal Hill and moved into Radio Control Hut. I found a rifle at the Farmstead and another in the hut. However, the second rifle isn't really useful.

The first thing I did was hunt some wolves. Venturing out from Signal Hill away from the cliff towards the hunter's blind, I came upon wolf-infested territory. Luring the wolves away towards my base one after another, I then shot them using a decoy to slow them down and get a good aim. I also wanted to clear the area of wolves to hunt the bear which I had seen down the hill from the blind and bring back its meat undisturbed.

When no more wolves were to be seen, I went downhill from the blind and lured the bear uphill into the gap between the two rocks. When it was there, I climbed into the blind and shot at the bear. The bear approached the blind and reared on its hind legs, roaring. It was quite impressive, my hair was standing on end in anticipation of the animal now climbing into the blind with me. However, it didn't. Instead, it just walked around the blind, apparently unable to enter. I gave it another two shots and then waited a bit until it dropped. My first bear!

I eagerly took the skin first, then I saw that you get 10 guts from it! And a mountain of meat. So much in fact that I would be unable to carry it all back to base in one go. I decided to harvest it all and place some of it in the blind. Managed to bring everything to base without running into wolves (one had respawned in the depopulated area in the meantime). Then had to spend days cooking meat.

I now have crafted the wolfskin jacket and the deerskin boots. I need another bearskin for the bedroll and some rabbits for the mittens. Lots of meat in my base. I still lack the knife, but since I have the hatchet I can do without. I also miss tools, as repairing the hatchet without them is likely to fail and waste precious scrap metal. But I should get the achievement without trouble. If I stick to the plan...

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Thanks for the support! :)

Day 22 sees me returning to Signal Hill from 2 consecutive overnight stays in/beside the car at Long Curve. I had lured the bear to the car, shot it and gotten inside. Thought it would be a good idea to have the car near. Bear dropped on the ice. Now I have the car trunk full of bear meat, the glovebox (!) full of bear guts and all sorts of equipment spread around the car. But I still need to go there at least twice to get all the stuff up here.

Anyway, I now have all I need for the rabbitskin mittens and the bearskin bedroll, so after collecting my stuff and cooking another lot of bear meat, I will apply myself to crafting. Soon I will be wrapped in Furs! 8-)

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@mellow_swe - thanks for the encouragement. Seems I shall need it...

... the night into day 24 nearly brings about my death near Long Curve. Can't even say I made a mistake here. Turns out I need two runs down to the car (the one at Long Curve) just to get the meat up to Signal Hill. On my third run I see that I have caught some rabbits down here near the car, so I collect them. One hour of daylight left, so better make my way home. A sudden change of weather, and I am caught in a blizzard...

What to do? There are not many choices - I can try to take cover somewhere (next to a rock, in the car, inside the hollow tree) and try to get warmth from a fire somehow. Or make the long trek back up the hill, risking severe damage to my clothes. I decide for the latter, since I have bad memories of my former 2 nights out at the car. Somehow, I manage to miss the way back up, and after turning here and there end up on the road again! I am freezing, temperatures are incredibly low. Now I must go for cover and fire, since I will not make it back up. I huddle in between two rocks out of the wind, get a fire going. Before I know it, I have frozen down to 56%. I cower by the fire, and since there is nothing to do right now (I don't dare going to sleep), I cook some rabbit and eat it.

The wind suddenly changes direction and chases me out of my cover! Damn, this is the worst! I run around again and seek another shelter, now on the other side of the rocks. Try to start another fire there and fail twice before getting it going (used my emergency accelerant on the first fire). This is getting bad, I freeze down to 18%. Apparently, foraging for wood now makes me temporarily lose the bonus from the fire, every time I do it I freeze down further. I drink 5 cups of coffee to fight fatigue and freezing, and they probably save my life. The fire does not give off enough heat to keep me from freezing - even huddled down on the floor and really close to the flames I feel some -2°C. The storm is howling like mad, leaving the fire would kill me very quickly now. Squatting there, I wait and pray for the storm to end. And it does.

I jump up and start immediately up the hill, as I am probably dead if the storm picks up again. Some fog clears and a starlit sky shows up overhead. I hear an owl hooting. Every degree counts now, so I fire up the lantern to get what little warmth it gives off. Fatigue is high, my steps are heavy, but I might make it. Luckily, I know my way around the hilltop very well by now, so I find it safely even in the darkness. 2 hours before dawn I slip into Radio Control Hut at 18%. If I am going to die, at least it's not going to be today...

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Day 24: I sleep a bit into the day and heal back to 32%. When I get up to nourish myself, something unexpected and unpleasant happens: My stomach goes bad from eating 64% bear meat. I have to take antibiotics and sleep through the day.

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Thanks again for the feedback. :)

What's the next achievement/goal you're aiming for?

Hmmm... I have been thinking about this. Maybe Natural Healer and Happy Harvester. On a greater scale, I am thinking about how to continue this run long term. I've got the bearskin bedroll now, but apart from the achievement I do not see a real benefit in it. It's too heavy to carry around. So I don't necessarily have to go for the remaining two bears to get their skin for repairs. But I think I will go for them still, just to see where exactly they roam about and how best to get them. I presume the "original" Hunter's Blind (the one really named like that as a location in the game) would play a role for one of them. But for the moment I still have some meat left, and I don't want it to turn bad. Maybe just explore the map more for some days?

By the way, I now have the knife (fishing hut at Pensive Pond), but am still lacking the simple tools (which would come in handy for repairing hatchet & knife). Also found the bunker (simple type, mostly food & water).

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