Deep Survival

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Has anyone read this book by Laurance Gonzales?

It's about the psychology and state of mind in a survival situation, what decisions lead you to certain death, which ones to safety and what determines which decision you will make. I found it a facsinating read that made me see certain situations in a different light but most astonishing is how often I find myself on the same train of thoughts that he describes in the book when I am playing TLD. Ingame when I think like a survivor as he calls it I usually get out of the most diresome situations. It's not too far fetched to say that reading this book partly helped me survive when I was stuck in a fishing hut for 30 days, naked with no ammo and 30KG of bear meat to harvest.

This goes both ways, it's also awesome that you can translate a book about the psychology of survival to TLD :D. If you don't know what to read next, this one won't be a waste of time ;)

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