Repairing bedroll


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In my present save game, my bedroll isn't one of the things that is on the "repairable" drop-down list. I don't know if it's a glitch pertaining to this particular game save (I'm not going to tinker with save files, or, worse, restart to see if this is the case), but my bedroll is at 83% condition and it seems that I can'r repair it.

I think it should be fixed ASAP (it would be easy, too, I guess).

EDIT: I just died like a monumental idiot on the 23rd day (while gathering wood). In the new game I started, my bedroll was at 86%, and not listed among the things I could repair.

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its not a bug, but nobody can repair their bedroll, but with the two and a half regions that we have your never really far from a bed, although the only place you might actually need a bedroll in will be the Hydro Carter dam, otherwise your better off just dumping it somewhere

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Excuse me, but I don't agree. I don't see any reason why you couldn't fix your bedroll (you can repair your rifle. You can sew your Premium Winter Coat to 100% efficiency. Mending a bedroll shouldn't require rocket science - [I wouldn't be able to do it, but that is utterly irrelevant]).

Okay, beds are pretty available, but what if I have to spend my night by a campfire, while wounded, freezing and exhausted? Why can't I have my bedroll at top condition in that case? More, I think the bedroll shouldn't be a unique item, like socks or hats aren't unique items, you should find others lying around.

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You can't repair your bedroll, but neither does it degrade anymore. The condition of your bedroll has no effect on your sleep nor does it provide any warmth (like beds) so there's no reason to repair it. 86% or 100%, it makes no difference.

That said, I do think it should be possible to repair the bedroll and it should also degrade when used. This will probably be implemented.

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