Multiple save slots


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I've been thinking about this one for a while, yet I thought it had already been discussed.

I was wondering if you could include multiple save folders so that you can play more than on map in the sandbox. As well as that, my younger brother wants to try the game, and I can't let him play without overwriting my save file (It's the pokemon dilemma all over again.

Could we have multiple save folders available as part of the game, rather than doing some backstage messing around with manipulating the folders themselves? (I would like my attempts to count towards the leaderboards)

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It would indeed be nice to have multiple save slots. Not just to let someone else play, but also if you just want to try something out without ruining your 100+ days save...

yep, I haven't ventured far to find the preppers bunker because of this reason, I dont want to get caught in a snowstorm on the small off chance I find the damn place.

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I HAVE A BEETER IDEA! I think that having multiple saves would add too many backups making the game not as true to the survival genre. However, I do think we should have multiple profiles. I'll explain, when we launch the game, you are to asked to select a profile, for example, this guy or that guy. Each profile should have a different save file so everyone can play. You should be allowed to create as many as you want. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, think about or watch the beginning of a gameplay video for Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It has profiles so multiple people can play at once with different save files.

And to people who want to try stuff without ruining there 50+ days, don't. Lol if you do things like that in real life, you die. Same should be for the game. Know what I'm saying?

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Call it profiles, slots or savegames, but we are talking about the same thing here... When you start a new game, you have only one savegame for that game and it gets overwritten with every save. So it's also impossible to backup your game using the save mechanism. When you die, the (only) savegame of that game is deleted.

And to people who want to try stuff without ruining there 50+ days, don't. Lol if you do things like that in real life, you die. Same should be for the game. Know what I'm saying?

By that reasoning, don't play the game at all. Dropping into the canadian wilderness in the middle of the winter without tools or even a jacket or shoes on would probably get you killed in real life to.

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