Bear range, or do they track you over days?


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Just back to TLD after a long pause. I'm based at the Fishing Camp in CH. Was making a trip up to check a snare and try rock hunting under that bridge toward the rockfall. I heard the huffing and puffing of a bear and turned back to the cabin. I was not even carrying any meat.  A day later, imagine my surprise when I heard a bear as I was returning to a cabin from fishing. This time I heard it get interested and possibly even start to run, though I was at the door. I've never heard of that bear coming all the way down to the road in this area. I spent the next day inside mending and sharpening. Next went outside and it was clear.  I went out on the jetty first, then took a long trip around and didn't see or hear anything.  Then I dropped off some wood at the nearby hut where I cook and on the way back there it is, lumbering right past my front door.

Now I'm holed up in a side cabin wondering what to do.  I have only cooked meat on me and no smell.  Did that bear track me back from that bunny zone or is this Fishing Camp just within range if you wait long enough?  Again, never seen a bear come out this far. Wondering if there's a new "long term aggro" or something where once it sees you it keeps after you day after day?

I think I'm cursed for having beat The Hunted Part 1 a few days back. This is creepy.

(I'm on the latest build, Voyager.)



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 I think you're fine mate...just go out crouched after doing some tasks indoors (let some time pass) and he'll be gone. His route includes the bridge and up and down the road, but not extensively and I have never seen him in the fishing camp itself either. I guess he followed you down? The bear aggro range seems the same to me; far longer than the wolves and it's easy for them to lose interest if you walk out of range.

 Make a run for it! :)

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It was a dicey night as I was trapped in a side cabin and didn't want to make a run for it in the dark. A storm hit, my water ran out, but I made it to dawn. I ran out to the nearby fishing hut which was also my cold storage. I had 10kg of cooked deer in there and a spare liter of water.  I decided to move base to Jack Rabbit Island.  I took as much as I dared and ran over.  Safe at last. As I returned for the last of it the next day, I got out just in time. He went right past the freshly cleared out hut and down the road toward The Tooth. I've never seen that bear roam that far. I wonder if a bear is attracted to outdoor food, even if it's in a bin (the cupboard in the hut)? Real bears are a real hazard for storing food that way.

In the end it worked out. I've never based at Jack Rabbit before and views are really nice up here. The shore line makes a nice sound too.

(And I really did just finish The Hunted Part 1 before this run, so I'm just absolutely spooked that a bear is following me and waiting every day when I wake up. That challenge was insanely good.)


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1 hour ago, vimrich said:

I wonder if a bear is attracted to outdoor food, even if it's in a bin (the cupboard in the hut)?

No.. as soon as you're not holding it, bears and wolves lose interest in it altogether. (But even just re-positioning it by sliding it around on the ground counts as "holding it".)

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The bear from the campground up by the rabbit grove has always included the fishing camp in its patrol range, as far as I can remember.

I generally can't put up with living in a place that has a bear regularly walking through it, so I either don't live in the fishing camp for any period of time or else make a point of killing the bear.

I've also noticed, on CH more than other maps, that bears seem to just spawn wherever you are or wherever you go, so there are very few places on that map where you can have some peace from them. Or, to look at it the other way round, you never need to search very much if you want to hunt them - and if your game was starting to feel like The Hunted challenge, that's the big difference: you're able to kill them now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of it is RNG too I think. Not every possible bear location spawns a bear every time you start a new game....I don't think.

Your other games that bear may simply not have been present, making the fishing hut area bearless.

This time though there definitely seems to be a bear in that area...

Jackrabbit is cool other than no fireplace. You can light a fire on the back porch though. It does give you a great ability to see your surroundings before wandering off the hill.

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