.303 British


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As we know it every single thing is this game has a condition parameter supposed to represent the rate of natural wear and tear. The rifle ammo always come in brand new condition to ensure the player will not have to face a pack of hungry wolves having only his d*ck a knife in his hands as the most potent weapon. But can we be sure about it? Yes we can!

Every single piece of .303 ammunition in this game was tested by the Hinterland employee by means of the firearms. That is why every rifle cartridge bears the mark of a firing pin on its primer as a proof of quality. Thank you Hinterland, we appreciate your concern.




BTW Do you guys know what the letter R in 7.7×56mmR stands for?

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 As with literally every thing in the game, the bullets are just a symbol, a kind of approximation or iconic interpretation that attempts to represents ammunition in a more generic manner. The mountains, trees, soup cans...literally everything is part of an overall aesthetic that very clearly does not strive for authenticity through accuracy. Try seeing the proverbial forest instead of the individual trees. :)

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I don't understand a single word. There is a mark that only appears if the cartridge has been shot already? And now? Why "british"? And why the question for "R"?. Where is the connection to the "Feedback" Forum? Why does my bred always land on the side with the butter if dropped and who the hell am i .... wtf :)

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14 minutes ago, MueckE said:

I don't understand a single word. There is a mark that only appears if the cartridge has been shot already? And now? Why "british"? And why the question for "R"?. Where is the connection to the "Feedback" Forum? Why does my bred always land on the side with the butter if dropped and who the hell am i .... wtf :)

That was amusing. that made me lol. :P

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