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I'd like to take a minute to talk about the negativity and hostility on the forums as of late... everywhere you look there's someone arguing or insulting. I get that things are tense these days, with story mode so close to release and that so many different people have their own opinions on this game. but let us all remember - this is an experience tailored to us by hinterland. this is our community, not our game. we just seem so at each other's throats lately. and that needs to stop. we're all here just trying to survive the quiet apocalypse together. let's all be friends and work together, shall we?

To hinterland, I want to say on behalf of all of us in this community, I'm so very sorry for all the nasty feedback and negative criticism you've been getting. sure, feedback and constructive criticism is a good thing. but things haven't been civil around here and I for one apologize for that. I took a month away from the forums, and when I came back it didn't even feel like the same safe place it was when I left it.

That being said, I also want to throw a HUUUUUGE thank you to hinterland! you guys absolutely rock! you've poured your hearts and souls out into this game for us, spent many many sleepless nights and thousands of hours perfecting this work of art for us, your loyal fans. and still yall constantly thank us and show love to us. but no, seriously, thank YOU. Yall are the real MVP here. You've done an astounding job, and will still continue to astound us in the future. yall are the most dedicated, devoted, caring and respectful game company I've ever seen in my life. serious props to you guys. we absolutely love you and everything you've done for us! we here all know it was no simple task. may your paths be lined with fir wood and deer carcasses for days!

Just a quick thought as we head into this quiet apocalypse together, friends. this community is like family to me. :)

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What's wrong with negativity? If the devs do something and the majority of the community responds negativly, how come that you think it's the fault of the community? Don't make a drama out of something so little. The negativ feedback is just, feedback. Most of these community members have been, and still are supporting Hinterland and the game. For almost 3 years of patient waiting, supporting and positive feedback now it's bad if the same people give a negative response? That's a pretty one dimensional view.

I don't see any insults or really bad behavior here in this forum. Actually, i see the problem more reading Raphaels twitter and his perception of his community. Take for example the test branch. If you are there testing and giving feedback, than by nature it's almost entirely negativly. That's the idea of the test branch to find the things that don't work or may will create problems. So it doesn't help if Raph tweets that somebody disliked the new UI after 2h of it's test release.

So again, this community is a good one. There basicly no trolls and haters and even if there is some negativity from time to time, than this comes from the same people that speak 90% of time positivly about the game and the devs. In fact, you should ask yourself if the tendency to only exclusivly look at the negative things isn't the real negativity.

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@MueckE right on! It was rather disheartening to take time to provide honest feedback that the changes were not well received and get the blasted by the owner of the team. Pretty childish on his part. No matter what product you make, not everyone is going to buy it or like it. First impressions are usually the main selling points. I could drive a particular car that I love and the company redesigns it, I may hate the new look and that may make me not buy it or recommend it. It might grow on me, it might not. That is a chance they take in doing so. To complain publicly about it would get a lot of CEO's in serious hot water. Here we tend to be more forgiving.

I like to believe that the team has learned from their recent mistakes (some of the changes were not well received, they accepted criticism, and made adjustments.) Some things they added don't immediately seem to be the best decisions to add when there are other higher priority (according to the community) things that could/should be added. However, that is up to them to decide. We do not have all the information they have available to make those decisions. At the end, all you can do is play the game in front of you and provide feedback, to them, and to your friends, etc. 

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That's true, but this forum (and internet in general) is pretty international. Not only is pure writing missing most of communication like face expressions and so on, there are also cultural diffrences. For example as a german, i can make a compliment to a woman saying: Your big nose makes your face very pretty :P. I bet in Canada that's a guaranteed way to go home alone :)

What i mean is, if you look at things just negativly, than the negativity has more to do with yourself than what you look at.

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ample as a german, i can make a compliment to a woman saying: Your big nose makes your face very pretty :P.

Whoa... don't do that in the US! :P


What i mean is, if you look at things just negativly, than the negativity has more to do with yourself than what you look at.

Well-said!! And very true.

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3 hours ago, stapeliad said:

It isn't what you say, it is how you say it.

This. this is what I'm talking about.

If you don't like an idea or an implement in the game, you should express that thoughtfully and peacefully. I've seen people straight up insulting eachother in ways that I didn't even think possible back in 2015 when I joined this forum. back then we all kept it so civil and even if we disagreed, it still felt like a friendly discussion. And it isnt just about the game. Its how the community treat each other too. literally just this morning I saw someone insulting another member, just because his English isn't the best. he was being outright rude. this kind of activity needs to stop. 

Then again. There's an entirely new group of people here. I barely see any of my old friends around anymore. as if there was some kind of purge..... that's a spooky thought. only kidding :P

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