How to hunt like a cave man or woman


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Hopefully this is the right location for this, but figured I'd share some points that I discovered while rabbit hunting with rocks! (Please feel free to move, or let me know if I am missing appropriate tags, still is my first day here afterall :D )

It's tricky, and frustrating at first, but I've found that the trick is to aim using your extended hand. The hand essentially becomes a view finder based on distance - it's a little hard to see without some trial and error, so I've illustrated the concept below.


This is a rough estimation of the concept (Hey I don't want to make it too easy for you!) As you throw the rock at an arc your landing point is dependent on your range. The drop off on the rock is severe, so far range is probably about 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters). I haven't been able to ascertain the max effective range of the rock, however note that you only have about 1-2 seconds to get to the rabbit to snap its neck before it becomes unstunned! 

This gif should help further illustrate at a close - medium range:


Using this i've become pretty effective at taking down rabbits with rocks, so I wish you happy hunting! Once you do snag one, warning that the neck breaking is a little brutal.


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18 hours ago, JAFO said:

Hmm.. at close range, -which is what you want for rabbits, as you only have a couple of seconds to reach them- I've found the best aiming point to be just above the knuckle of the thumb.

Alright, after going on a bunny slaughtering spree, you are absolutely correct. You will want to aim for closer to the knuckle of the thumb. My earlier aiming was taking into account that the rabbits were on an incline, about eye level with my character rather than below. 

Poor rabbits, I've killed about 45 of the little cute buggers. Still think the neck snapping is brutal haha (but releasing them is satisfying as well.)

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