Dog Companion maybe one day..

Crimson Foxx

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Hello my fellow Hinterfolk friends. :)

Now i know this topic has been mentioned many many times and i know the answer is always no no NO! there will NEVER be a dog companion in The Long Dark, especially in the sandbox. 

But i still wish to express my feelings and thoughts on this anyway, even if its a complete waste of time and you do not have to continue reading if you feel this is a waste of your time. I understand.

I love feeling drawn into any open world game, especially survival ones. One thing i love is being alone, away from people. In Skyrim i tend to go off always alone, avoiding having irritating human or other humanoid races dragging their heels. I get irritated by their constant remarks and comments and intrusive behaviour. I prefer to face dangers alone and enjoy those quiet rewards as i see something amazing or reflect on that last completed quest. But i always have a canine companion, be it a tamed wolf or dog with me. I have travelled all over the world of Skyrim with my faithful dog, Huskmar. he has seen everything i have and thats been such a blessing.

The same has been for Fallout4. I adore Dogmeat. He goes where i go. He shares my life in that nuclear Wasteland. he is the one stable thing left in Boston and always reminded me that their is hope and love in a painful time.

Humans have i think always enjoyed their canine companion for as far back as history is recorded. That faithful companion at your side who worships the ground you walk on. Who quietly supports you and comforts you when the world around you goes crazy. That warm canine sanity in a mad world.

If Hinterland was to ever consider and add a canine companion i would hope for the following. The canine could be either a rescued or tamed wolf. Or a rescued/found Husky maybe. He or she would be an adult dog and obey a simple set of commands be it vocal or menu driven ( which is likely easier as getting the voice actors to come back to do dog commands would be pretty unrealistic) . I would not want the dog/wolf to actively attack or approach other wolves or bears but i think a mechanic could be added to him or her to help defend when an attack does occur.

The reason for this is that a) it could become a nuisance if each time your fairly close to a wolf or bear and the canine charges off to attack it. This would get so old fast! 2) You want to enjoy hunting and dealing with encounters yourself and remain in control. The dog needs to stay with you, not race ahead.

But when a bear or wolf/ves do attack you, having that little help all be it just a slight distraction could save your life. He or she doesn't need to kill the attacker but merely bark, growl and run around as if trying to help but staying at a safe enough distance, he is mortal so could get killed if too close.  I like how Dogmeat wasn't that aggressive in Fallout4. But he would if directed to. The decision was for the player. 

I would love that companion to just be there at your side. To have to feed the dog sharing your salvaged food ( would be a good excuse to use the tinned dogfood LOL). To even provide water maybe in a small dog bowl you carry with you ( plastic lightweight of course). To be able to pet and praise your canine and see him or her rest when you stop or take shelter. Seeing him or her lay down and sleep or just sit idly. You would feel responsible for the canine as it would be mortal and can die from hunger, thirst or injury. You could name him or her and share stories in your journal about your companion, maybe even decided on his colouring and breed if choices given.

The canine could ideally use the same animations and look of the wolves from the game and even size. 

I am not sure how negative this addition would be. If you have ideas or thoughts on how a canine companion would ruin the game or be a negative thing please say what and why. I would like to know peoples feelings on this either supporting this idea or their feelings as to why it wont work. 

But this is something on my personal wishlist and i feel i have the right and pleasure to express it here where this great community encourage ideas and feelings and discuss them.

If you did read this, thank you. :)




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That beginning description was beautiful.

I believe as a tradeoff for the protection and companionship the disaster would make the dog a lil sketchy if it got hungry, maybe run off without your command for a bit if you neglect it so it can feed off of rabbits and come back when full, and taking the rabbit from the dog might get you bit so you cant have it hunt for you?

Since it most likely not make it into the game, im sure eventually some modder would incorperate it! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really want a canine companion too!

Been thinking of ways to implement it. Like having a "wolf tamer" skill and each time you throw a decoy like deer or rabbit at a wolf you get plus one wolf taming. The level of skill would determine the number of commands you can issue your tamed wolf.

So, just say you feed a wolf 10 rabbits, then that wolf becomes "tame" and will follow you about.

Skill level 1: A tamed wolf will follow you about.
Skill level 2: A tamed wolf will obey the "stay" and "come" commands (useful when hunting). 25% chance to repel a wolf attack, 2% chance of repelling a bear

Skill level 3: Stay, come, catch (chase after a wounded deer), 50% chance to repel a wolf attack, 5% chance to repel a bear
Skill level 4: Stay, come, catch, fetch (drag a kill with you), 1kg pouch, 75% chance to repel a wolf attack, 10% chance to repel a bear attack,
Skill level 5: Stay, come, encircle (circle and chase the prey towards you), catch, fetch, guard (a kill or a pathway from wolves), 100% chance to repel a wold attack, 20% chance to repel a bear attack. 2kg pouch. Can be raised and lowered on climbing ropes.

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to be honest, I have seen things more difficult to balance pass the paper phase ans end up in the game.
just that a look at other game and you going to see thing that way, way harder to get working that a dog in TLD.

beside, we are getting NPCs anyway (I don't like NPCs on my sandbox, leave me alone).
and some of they are going to be friendly, other not so much, and what I going to do with those 1667 cal/kg cans.

I have said that I like Cat's, but I can go with dogs.
I also said, I don't care if the dog can or can't fight wild life, as it can kept me entertained and carry one thing or two, maybe run down some rabbits, I am fine.
besides, is another mouth to feed, and that's going to be a funny bit.
especially (please excuse this one) if you can kill and eat the poor dog... more easy to get pass that eating people... still no lees grim.
but is nice to have a IA companion, or at least a cube, maybe a crowbar, whatever to no be alone.

unless... it's humans, better to be alone or with fluffy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking the same thing. I just got TLD but was and continue to watch old content Hinterland put out. There was concept art with what looked like a dog companion following the character.. That image actually contributed to my purchase, even if it only exists as a concept I knew Hinterland were good people. Regardless of what happens, I'll continue to hold out hope for a dog companion.

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