Some thoughts about this and that.


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Due to my temporary banishment i had time to collect some of my assorted notes and now im gonna just throw it here. Feel free to grind it all to dust.


Ability to recover burned out fires for charcoal and ash, that can have further uses. I guess it would be part of new update anyway.

Ability to destroy stuff. Like completely. While some items that have 0 durability can be destroyed by putting then into containers, it doesnt apply to all items and it only applies to stuff with 0 durability, even if i dont want it to be destroyed(or dont apply to stuff above 0 durability that i want to get rid of). Just an additional button with prompt for confirmation.

Reworking of hides, cloth and metal junk. Instead of having separate hides with various conditions(which is annoying as ****), just have generalized condition. Similar to how water works, each time player harvest hides, he get certain amount of material that is then simply added to total sum(eg, 100 point equal to one full hide, but generally player would harvest less, depending on rng and skill, more on that later). It would make management of those materials far easier(it annoys me to no end to have 5 different hides with 5 different condition values that each take separate slot, dafuq). Easy version would allow player to harvest certain amount of hide points directly(kill a wolf, skin it, get 50 points - you dont get all you could because you made a few mistakes and not really that good with skinning in general), more natural would allow player to harvest hides, cure them and then process into material that is used in crafting and repairing. Aside of easier management it would also allow normal repairs for clothing, not current idiotic(im sorry, but its true) system ,where im either forced to waste part of cloth when repairing small items, of wait till their condition drops low enough and risk losing item altogether if i get attacked by wolf or bear, who will completely trash it. This way i get to decide how much time/material i want spend while tailoring, without wasting precious resources - just put a few stitches on most critical parts or spend a few hours replacing whole sleeve. Would also allow scraping smaller items to small amount of materials that currently are either unscrappable ot yield nothing.

Ability to repair ruined items, as increased price. Repainting ruined item goes from 0% to 10% at material cost that would normally be worth restoring 25% durability.

Mentioned multiple times on forum. Why jumping off edge of 10 cm have a good chance to cause sprained ankle ? And why player cant vault over low obstacles ?

Why animals are capable to traverse angles that should be far far far beyond their capabilities ? Those wolves running on almost vertical slopes are nuts. It is especially "lovely" when they die there.

When activity is interrupted by darkness or anything else, some progress should be made still. With penalty due to interruption.

Why there are so many storm lantern around after last update ?

Why i find weird stuff washing ashore ? Like metal scrap ??? I didnt know that metal floats. Also, more potential stuff washing ashore, like smaller clothing items.

Endless spawning of animals is also weird. I can kill wolves day after day after day and their amount do not seem to decrease. Progressive spawn delays due to over-hunting or over-fishing would be nice to have.

Alternative usages for books and newspapers.

Expanded hide and skin crafting, with more recipes for each clothing slot and ability to use various hide types for same items, like bear pants or deer jacket. Select item player wants to make and then select type of hide he wants  to use for it.

Familiarization for clothing. Depending on duration of clothing item being worn, id say 2-4 weeks, player either reduces penalties from that particular clothing item or gain small bonuses. If player stops using particular item, it familiarization decays at double pace.

Animal bleeding also could use some randomization. Right now its guaranteed kill, with exception of bear. With modification for difficulty, making chances for animal dying from bleeding out lower on higher difficulties.

Make skill books giving unique perks, instead of bonus to skills, as it often results in books becoming obsolete if skill is maxed out.

More variation for weather. Currently its rather even and no state lasts for more than one day. Like 3-day blizzards or several days of clear weather, with progressively colder temperatures as result.

Ability to stack matches. Its similar to hides, where is have bunch of match boxes, with various condition, that serve no practical purpose but to clutter my inventory for no reason.

Ability to selects what to drop as decoys.

Alternative uses for accelerant. Rename to lighter fluid and add lighter ???

Game remembering what tools were used for what activities. I prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...i prefer to break branches by hand...

Reduce amount of health recovered on sleep by 75%. Add modifiers for various conditions.

Progressive health loss when any need stat reach zero. Multiplication if more than one need stat reaches zero.

Sprained wrist should make breaking, crafting and collecting anything by hand harder, increasing time it takes to perform tasks. Further penalty is applied is activities require tools.


Skills and conditions(work in progress, i dont even have categories or names for most of them, plus a lot more perks would be nice)

All skills having 10 levels instead of 5, with perk selection each level, with different perks allowing different builds. Player starts with all skills at lvl0, but gaining lvl1 should be fairly fast, with small tutorial involved.


Decrease repair duration by 5/5/4/4/3/3/2/2/1/1% to a total of 30% at lvl10

[perk] Tinkering - decrease duration of breaking down items by 10/20/30%

[perk] Recycling - increase amount of materials gained by breaking down stuff by 25/50/75/100%. With player-made items cannon exceed 75% of materials used for crafting.

[perk] Enhanced senses - ability to preform tasks(aside of reading) even in the dark, at 25/50% rate on normal pace.


Speeds up recovery from injuries by 5/5/4/4/3/3/2/2/1/1% to a total of 30% at lvl10

[perk] Flexibility - reduces sprain chance by 20/40%

[perk] Strong immune system - Reduce chance for negative conditions by 10/20%

[perk] First Aid training - allows usage of water for cleaning up wounds for reduced effect to prevent infection.


Increases maximum amount of warmth/tiredness/hydration/hunger stats by 2% per level.

[perk] Runner - stamina recovers 20/40% faster.

[perk] Marathon Man - 10/20/30/40/50% more stamina.

[perk] Meditation - 10/20/30% more health recovered on sleeping.

[perk] Strongman - 5/10/15/20/25% extra carry weight

[perk] Ox - decrease speed penalty for being encumbered 25/50/75%

[perk] no name - decrease extra calorie consumption per kilo of weight by 25/50/75%


Lose that crap with harvesting with bare hands. Its absurd.

Increase max amount of harvestable meat by 15% per level.

[perk] Skilled - reduce tool wear when harvesting corpses by 20/40%

[perk] no name - time reduction when harvesting meat and guts by 10/20/30%

[perk] Taxidermy - time reduction when harvesting hides by 25/50%


Decrease time that takes to search containers by 7% per level.

[perk] Thorough - chance to find extra item 5/10/15% when looting at 50% increased search times.

[perk] Lucky - chance to find extra materials(10/20/30% and up to 30% more) or items in better condition(10/20/30% and up to 15% better).


Basic chance to start fire at 50%. Flat bonuses/penalties to starting fire based on location. Stove +30%, rock +0%, snow -30%, ice -20%, burned out fire +10%(on top of bonuses or penalties from surface modifiers). Fire starting chance increase by 5/5/4/4/3/3/2/2/1/1% to a total of 30% at lvl10. Cant use logs for initial fire starting.

[perk] Boy Scout - allows adding extra tinder to increase chance of starting fire by 1/2/3% per tinder piece added.

[perk] Meticulous - fire duration increase by 25/50/75%

[perk] Crafty - decrease terrain penalties by 25/50%


Chance to contract parasites depending on amount of calories consumed, instead current version, when one piece of meat, regarding it nutrient value, is fixed. Meat of carnivores - 1% per 100 calories on Stalker and 1.5% per 100 calories on Interloper. To prevent eating in tiny bites, value is cumulative and gradually decrease by flat 2% per hour on Stalker and 1% per hour on Interloper. Check is run only once when food is consumed, not hourly as it is now. Also venison, rabbit and fish also have chance to have parasites - 1% per 200 calories on Stalker and 1.5% per 200 calories on Interloper.

Decrease chance for parasites per level by 20/20/15/15/10/10/5/5%. Increase amount of calories in meats by 5/5/4/4/3/3/2/2/1/1%

[perk] Iron Gut - decrease food poisoning chance by 25/50%

[perk] BBQ - increase amount of calories in cooked meats by 10/15/20%

[perk] Hungry - eating also restores small amount of condition, based on amount of calories consumed. 1% per 500/400/300 calories consumed

[perk] Tin Man - canned foods give 20/40% more calories and hydration.

[perk] Junk Food - sodas and candy bars give 20/40% more calories and hydration.




Each level makes animal tracks better defined and seen from further afar.


Makes player more resistant to elements. Reduce stat decrease rates by 2% per level.

[perk] Aspect of the Wolf - gives player mild monochrome vision in low light conditions. Second level makes it slightly better. Having light source cancels it.

[perk] Aspect of the Bear - allows player to smell animals from afar and detect them without los on distance up to 15 meters. Second level makes silhouettes color coded(reddish for predators and greyish for deer and rabbit) and extends distance to 30 meters.

[perk] Aspect of the Deer - increase player speed by 1% per 5/3% of health missing.

[perk] Aspect of the Rock - 10/20% bonus armor

[perk] Wolfslayer - 2/3% cumulative chance of instant kill per second when fighting wolves in melee(wolf do not instantly die, instead he disengages, walks few meters and drops).

[perk] Scarred Hide - 15/30% chance to avoid each negative condition when engaging wolves or bears in melee.

[perk] no name - increase sneaking speed by 10/20/30%

[perk] Aspect of the Raven - slightly highlights items, making them easier to spot. Lvl2 also adds directional arrows to items in immediate vicinity(toggle).


[perk]Walrus - fall thru ice 10/25/50 times - decrease hypothermia onset by 10/20/30%

[perk]Collector - collect 500/1000/2000 sticks - toggle, auto-pickup sticks walking over them, lvl2 collects sticks in 0.5m radius around player, lvl3 collects sticks in 1m radius around player

Critical Exploits

Animals patiently waiting for fire to start.

Eating once a day be4 going to bed.

All dropped objects pointing in same direction.

Just leaving food outside in the snow. Why wolves take no interest in it ? Or bears(those guys can smell meat miles away) ?


i have some more, but i need to go and add it later...

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12 hours ago, Dirmagnos said:

Why i find weird stuff washing ashore ? Like metal scrap ??? I didnt know that metal floats.

Not disagreeing with you here, but I feel compelled to point out that seashells don't float either, yet they wash ashore all the time. ;)

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6 hours ago, JAFO said:

Not disagreeing with you here, but I feel compelled to point out that seashells don't float either, yet they wash ashore all the time. ;)

Seashells are aquatic to begin with and they are also considerably lighter than metal scrap, that seem to be a combo of iron, steel and aluminium.

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