I just noticed a hatch in PV


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I've only ever found one in PV that isn't the one near the rope. And I've only ever found it once. I ended up living in it, because it was in the perfect location for near-infinite survival without danger or risk! (And then I inevitably got bored with the repetitive routine of staying there and went out exploring, whereupon I was mauled to death by bears and wolves, obviously.)

I've never found one in Coastal Highway or Desolation Point or Timberwolf Mountain or Farting Mustard, but I suspect they don't exist there. Either way, I wouldn't want to know if they did, and I certainly wouldn't want to be told where they were. The fun of finding them unexpectedly is really great!

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At the moment the only confirmed bunker locations (aside from the one that's always in Pleasant Valley where the rope to Timberwolf Mountain is) are in Pleasant Valley and Mystery Lake. The bunker's location is always randomized but it's contents are always the same and based on the bunker's location (i.e. food bunker, equipment bunker, etc.).

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