Rosehip Drink


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This could just be my mind going but was there a time when you could make a rosehip drink by harvesting three bushes, i.e. 8 rosehips a bush x 3 = 24 rosehips? I had a short break from the game last year and since coming back I've noticed that 24 rosehips isn't enough......I actually need 25.

I don't know if it's my memory, a bug, or intentional that I need a single extra rosehip from a fourth bush.


TL:DR   How many rosehips is needed to make a drink?

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If your mind is going, mine mind might as well, i also rememeber 24 being required for one tea (which is way too much...) took a break for 5 months, now when i played i noticed that as well, however last time something even weirder happened, took me 30, 33 or 36 i can't remember, to make one tea :S
Something going on the the roses? :P


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2 hours ago, Karzee said:

I had a short break from the game last year and since coming back I've noticed that 24 rosehips isn't enough......I actually need 25.

I don't recall it ever being anything other than 25.  But I haven't paid that close of attention to know if there is sometimes a variance in how many are needed.

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How odd. I often come across three rosehip bushes at a time and I could have sworn I used to be able to make a drink after harvesting them all. 

22 hours ago, Hatchet said:

If your mind is going, mine mind might as well, i also rememeber 24 being required for one tea (which is way too much...) took a break for 5 months, now when i played i noticed that as well, however last time something even weirder happened, took me 30, 33 or 36 i can't remember, to make one tea :S
Something going on the the roses? :P


You know, I think I've had this issue as well a few weeks ago. It wouldn't allow me to make a drink with 24 rosehip so I after harvesting some more later on I calculated that i'd used 33 rosehips to make one drink. I thought I'd made a mistake at the time but now you've mentioned it.....most odd.


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