Why you cant fail in lighting a torch???


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Are you saying you want to fail?

Or are you saying you don't like how matches get wasted if you don't hold down the button until the torch is actually lit.

'Cuz the second one is pretty annoying.  If you actually want to fail more, just rapid fire the left mouse button until all your matches are gone.  Failure achieved.


OR are you asking why lighting a fire with a torch has any chance of failure?  'Cuz that is kinda weird. A lit torch is a fire...

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I am saying that i find wrong people using a match to light a torch in the outdoors with 100% chance of sucess, while if you are indoors your chance of making a fire is only 60%. Also, with the torch on, people use it to start a fire. This way you NEVER waste more than one match to make a fire. (yeah the torch condition will go down a little everytime you fail the fire but anyway, i feel like cheating doing this, so i dont do it).

"nah, i dont need learn to how manage my matches, i found a torch so now one match, one fire. 100%" 

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Torches are drenched in kerosene so they are really flammable that is why you can't fail. However now with the addition of fish oil this changes a bit. You can use kerosene or fish oil as an accelerant to raise your chance of fire-starting to 100% so... it makes sense. I felt this way about torches for some time too especially in the previous versions where you could create a torch from burning fire but now when they introduced the brand and you need to craft torches with cloth and kerosene I think that it is fine. Also the game needs some inexpensive element to allow you to defend yourself against roaming wolves. Imagine yourself crossing paths with a hungry wolf and your torch fails to light up. Some players might welcome this experience just for laughs but I would be very pissed off especially in my long term plays +100 days or so.  

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