Changes to Whiteout


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When I have started Whiteout, I didn’t know the complete rules and stupidly assumed, that

  1. I am locked on Coastal highway.
  2. The food I collect must be fresh (at least above 0% or better 40%) to be qualified as passable for the stash I gather.
  3. I will have to actually make it through the storm that will go for several days (the red arrow on the calendar suggested me so).

But when I completed it and went to read what people say about this challenge (maybe they knew some hints?) I’ve found, that one can complete it in damn 8 days.

What’s the purpose then?.. Why do I collect all these things in the Garage, if I can leave that wolf-infested, though very beautiful place for some Mystery lake and stay there?

So my suggestions are:

  1. The player must survive the final blizzard inside the garage with what he has collected. Let him go kill wolves or whatever if he needs to. And die from wounds, if he forgot to find antiseptic or collect hanging moss, that weren’t on the checklist.
  2. Make the collection harder by either
  • reducing supplies that are overall found in the world, assuming that he’ll go travelling for a week;
  • or locking him in Coastal highway, until he harvests a certain amount of certain supplies (say 80%, except for food and wood) from Coastal highway, or depletes the resource on this map – only then unlock other maps for him. Alternatively, respawn resources (such as bullets) 2–3 times on the map after several days, so one could save 15 or 25 or even 30 bullets while staying on Coastal highway.

The only problem I have experienced (except disappearing wolf corpses) is wasting too much bullets in assumption I can always find them somewhere. At the day 22 I shot the last bullet and started to have a concern: ‘What if the purpose of this challenge is not to actually survive the blizzard with what I could collect (independently from whether did I collect everything from the checklist or not), but only to collect those items and complete the checklist?’ And, to my surprise, it was the latter. Ha-ha! I didn’t have to survive in the survival game, I only had to mark the checkboxes! So I made a dash to the Church at Desolation point to collect the bullets – also got poisoned by expired food on the way, because I stupidly assumed, that I have to save FRESH products for the stash – and returned to go fishing. So the bullets were the only problem for me, and only thanks to my own wastefulness. I must explicitly mention, that I had no problems with food and oil – by the end of the 27th day I had level 4 in cooking, which added 20% calories to everything I prepare, and the fish gave more oil than I needed. I filled two lanterns with spare oil.


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