Greetings from a Madman!


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Hello! My name is Xandion, or just Xan, or Gem, short for Gemini, I go by too many names. Speaking of too many, there are 5 of me -er, 5 voices... in my head. Long story for another thread. Ignoring that I've enjoyed watching this game grow for a while, and got back into it recently after my first purchase back in, 2014? I think. I'm glad to see how far it's come, and I felt like It'd be a good idea to get into the community during this growth.

Regarding my plans for this account, I write stories, I've got a few written down and I plan to share them with the community from time to time, Trying to stick to the good ones as I go. Quick movement back to the voices in my head, I project them onto things in the environment I'm in, be it illusions around me or, in this case, some of the deceased that I come across, usually to discuss loot in the area. These voices also help me out in ways I honestly didn't expect when I started hearing them, things like "Check that shed" or an abrupt "Behind you!" have saved my life numerous times in this game. Not to mention their countless aids to my real life.

Stepping back away from them, I'm not much of a survivalist. What I have in THAT department stems from the worst way to spend a Monday night, known as the Boy Scouts of America, An organization with great intentions, but 'round here, my troop consists of some of the most annoying people, everyone wants to lead, nobody wants to listen, with the rest of us stuck in between. Back on topic, I'm more of a storyteller, with my mind always running at insane rates, I project the overflowing "Stuff" into the world, allowing me to create elaborate, crazy, dark, and/or serious plots, leaving me to fill in the blanks with names and stuff.

Well, I think I've rambled on enough for now. Happy to be here.


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