music on the radio


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That was one of my first science projects back in grade school. Made it with a roll of copper wire, a peroxide bottle, a piece of plywood, a telephone (for speakers) and a diode. The tricky part is the diode. It'd be nice to have a radio in the long dark but not only would the station not have power to broadcast the little diode your radio needs to pick up AM signals would also be toast ^_^

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I guess it depends on what the aurora actually did to technology. If the diodes didn't fry... well then the radios themselves would still work. It'd be really eerie actually to hear the radio spark up and start making static and white noise every time the aurora hit. It'd be even better if you could use your radio to monitor the aurora. When the static starts picking up you'll know to run inside because the temperature's going to plummet and the hydro lines are about to catch on fire! :shock:

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I think the forums need to think more Canadian :)

I propose Barrett's Privateers and Northwest Passage by Stand Rogers :D

The Northwest Passage is particularly appropriate for the Long Dark. Especially considering what happened to Franklin's expedition...


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