Steam Achievements


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The HT Road map suggested steam game cards that is all good and all or is it?

who trades these cards? does it make you play more for a card? will see i guess.

I hope HT focus more on better steam achievements awards as this is what drive me to playing more. A challenge.

Steam PC users get Steam Achievements - You can view them here -

What do you all think? btw I think xboxers still get none! suckers lol


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Never bothered with steam trading cards I asked once what they were in a steam forum and people just thought I was trolling, by all accounts you get x amount the first time you play the game and any more than that is just a weekly RNG.

Achievements are fun I guess, as long as they don't go too far, recently downloaded Company of Heroes 2 and that has over 400!!!!

After clicking on that link was surprising to see only 53% of players have survived for more than 1 day, how is that even possible?

Apologies for cross linking but here's an idea I had for expanding achievements a while back:


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the HT did mention that they would be adding more to steam achievements a while back, hope they still plan todo that and not waste all their time on steam cards, which to me with other games have been pointless in the end as a gamer. MInd you I have $0.03 USD in my steam wallet from trading a card LOL.

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  • 1 year later...

Have to revisit this, and a question for the Hinterland. With the release in August will we get more Steam Achievements along with trading cards? Trading cards can in fact be fun and useful. Though more achievements would be great seeing I already have them all pre Alpha.

Pretty sure you said we will in another post somewhere, there is no news on your other website FAQs.


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