Raphael van Lierop

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  • Hinterland

Hello all,

We just launched the "Coming Soon" Steam page for The Long Dark:

If you are a current backer/player and would like to help support us, you can Wishlist the game, share it with your friends, write a review, and just share the message in general!

We've posted announcements on our official Twitter account ( and Facebook page (, so any sharing/liking/RTing you feel comfortable doing will help spread the word.

We'll be distributing Alpha keys to all our backers so that you can play as soon as the game goes live on September 22nd. This is an exciting milestone in the game's development. The team's working hard (as always) to prepare a great update for the September 22nd Early Access launch, so we look forward to seeing all our backers there!

On behalf of the entire team of Hinterland, thank you for your support!

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If I buy the game on your site I'll recieve the CD key by mail and it'll work on Steam or I must wait to see the game in Steam directly ?

If you purchase today on official site, you must wait 22 september to play both steam or drm free edition. No chances of playing before.

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I was five and had asked for a flamethrower... :)

Please make this something we can find in the wilderness! ;)

Everyone knows loggers use flamethrowers to defend against Yeti, Polar bears, and the zombie hordes that roam the Canadian outback in the spring when the ice melts and they come down from the ice caps!

- What's this aboot then, eh? Zombie invasion - again?!

- Bring ooot the flamethrower!

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I'm in the same boat as the the guys who posted above me. What's the deal? I bought this on the Humble Bundle thing almost a month ago. It's live on Steam and can be purchased and played RIGHT NOW, but those of us who pre-ordered and have been anxiously awaiting the release can't play yet because Humble Bundle can't get their crap together? What was the the point of the pre-order???

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