New item suggestion: Travois


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Simple design crafted by existing in-game materials. 2 Cedar or Fir limbs for poles, 1 branch for a crosspiece, plus rabbit or deer hides. This could double or triple one's carrying capacity (Wkipedia says a pre-Euro dog travois capacity was 30kg, but a human hauled one should probably bear at least the weight of a big man, say 75kg) while only mildly increasing tiredness status. Hinterlandcan nerf it by limiting to flat surfaces, and/or by decreasing climbing ability/disallowing use over hills of a certain grade.  

This would allow you to move significant quantities of goods between locations (ie migrating over to next region) without making several annoying trips.

It might also give me SOMETHING to do with the 8 bazillion rabbit/deer pelts I've collected. Unless you want to implement, say, rabbit fur underwear...  

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What is it with people, wanting to move large quantities of items around so much... Stockpiling is always a bad idea. The moment you have too much of everything, the game turns sour because you dont really have a reason to go out do anything, just sit around... instead, its better to always collect just enough so that in next couple of days, you are forced to go out and replenish your supplies.

I get that moving some items like tools and such may be beneficial for the main base... but, especially now with the well fed bonus, your normal capacity can be lifted up to 40 kg normal weight, which means you can easily carry below 55kg of gear at only a small movement debuff.

At this point, there really is no particular need for sled. The only use I would see is if it was used for hauling off the quartered carcasses of an animals, when you are out on a hunting trip. Which also is not that difficult doing in-backpack now, imho. 

And I see nothing boring about making "several" trips between here and there. If one limits their weight capacity to some lighter clothes and a bare minimum of other gear, you can easily decrease your weight down to 20kg, even less. That gives you 35 more kg of carrying capacity. Besides, making trips to a different location to pick up your stashed gear there can be a very nice way to "get out of the survivor routine".

But the issue here is the amount of work this would take for Hinterland to implement. It would basically require some separate movement mechanics coding and a ton of work, at close to no benefit. I used to be in favour of these sled ideas, but the more experienced with the game I got, the less uses I see for them. And, if it was limited to "flat areas" it would be utterly useless because Great Bear has tons of hightened places, this would only really make it useful when traveling over ice lakes, or the center part of PV, etc... not very useful tool, then. You would need to have several of them crafted, waiting at the edges of locations, and you would have to unpack it, carry it to new one, then pack it back in... in the end, I dont think it would be helpful at all.

I meant no disrespect - I just really dont see the point, and I cant say Id want them to spend their time and resourced, developing something that is just not going to be very practical.

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To me this game is about living within scarcity, which requires pragmatism and inventiveness. My suggestion, as I mentioned, was not about just moving 50 lb of firewood from cabin to cabin within a single area. It is about promoting migration between regions and seeing all there is to see across the world map, which I decided very early was essential to this scenario to survive as long as possible, to prevent depletion of resources in just your local area.

In the spirit of immersiveness, migration is necessary to survive where resources are scarce, and simple travoises were used for millennia by indigenous ppl to do just that. My goal is the same, to be free from getting stuck in one place, while preserving the "reality" of the experience. And promoting mobility will become even more necessary as more regions are introduced, which I assume is always under consideration. 

As is, it would not be a pragmatic decision to leave secure food, safety and most of your supplies and warm clothes in a place where you are established just to go exploring or trying to get to a forge in unknown regions days and miles away just expecting to thrive on what you find on the way. To me a rational person in this situation wouldn't do that without creating a way to carry more essentials and food with them. 

Just my opinion.

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