Show remaining cloth when making repairs


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Small quality of life request:

When in the "Actions" screen for clothing where you can make repairs, could you show the player how much of the repairing resource they have in their inventory?

For example when repairing clothes it shows you the cost in cloth/leather but it doesn't show you how many bits of cloth or leather you have on you.

This becomes a bit annoying when doing multiple repair jobs when stuck inside, as when making repeat repairs you want to spend your cloth efficiently, and you keep having to switch back and forth through menus between repairs just to check how much excess cloth you have left. Small thing but it would be a nice user interface improvement.

The same ideology could apply to repairs requiring scrap metal. 

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I certainly wouldn't mind if they implemented this; however, I really don't find how it is currently an inconvenience.  You don't really have to flip back and forth.  Just take a quick note of the amount in your inventory before your start and then mentally subtract the amounts for each repair you make (-1 or -2)  and mentally add the amounts for any items you harvest.

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