More values for each setting in custom mode


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I usually play on custom mode, and like to tinker with the settings to create MY vision of what I want the game to be. Although we have many setting to play with, I guess some values can be added for even more custom experiences. I personnally crave for more "extreme" values. Here are some examples :

  • setting the wolves' fear way higher : for more random encounters, so that you don't know how each wolf will react.
  • blizzard frequency : going from none to almost permanent could be huge !

And so on ! We could modify the decay rate, wildlife smell range, containers item density, probability of being empty, etc. My guess (maybe I'm wrong ?) is that many of these parameters are only numbers the game will use afterwards, so we could have a wider range to choose from, without taking too much time from Hinterland team.

This would answer many suggestions in the wish list : lowering decay rate, more random/"realistic" wildlife behaviour, even harder settings for hardcore players with almost permanent blizzard and scarce/almost-inexistant resources, and so on. The important thing is that it should be possible without too much effort, and it would answer many requests in one go.

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