The Long Dark Photography Scavenger Hunt

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Welcome to the Long Dark Photography Scavenger Hunt!


This is not a user created challenge though I do have a new one coming, in this case you are a photojournalist out the capture the beauty of the Quiet Apocalypse. This is more about the quiet, solitude, and beauty of the land and what remains. This quest is designed for veterans and new players alike but due to the nature of this hunt I recommend playing at a maximum difficulty of Voyageur so you don't have to be worried about dying via animal attack.

The first clue is:  

Where you'll find me is a Mystery but I once stood tall in my history.

Atop a hill is where you'll find me, from my pinnacle you could see from here to infinity.

When you arrive at the location take a beautiful or evocative screenshot, and then survive and wait until the next clue on Sunday, when I will post an image of the first location.

Every 2 Days I will post a new Clue/Riddle to lead to a new location and reveal the previous one.



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I do...let me retrieve it.

I've had trouble accessing the forum...or this would've been up yesterday.

Play close attention to the clue, because it makes clear what needs to be photographed. (Also thanks for joining in!)

I barely made it over the bridge before it fell apart, and now my wheels have all seized up an I can no longer start.

The narrow confines on my rail are by a landslide bisected, I doubt my line through will be resurrected.

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