How does aiming work?


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I've been trying to hunt rabbits with stones, but with no success so far. While holding a stone I see that LMB throws the stone more or less toward the center of the screen. The RMB says 'Aim' but it doesn't appear to have any effect on my throws. When I click the RMB my throwing hand disappears from sight. There are no crosshairs or other aiming indicator that I can see. When I release the RMB my throwing hand comes back into sight but nothing else happens. If I then click the LMB it still seems to throw the stone the same as before.

What the heck is 'Aim' supposed to do? How does it work?


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When you activate aiming, your left hand should move out in front of you as your throwing hand moves back in preparation to throw.  Depending on your distance, you'll likely want to just see the rabbit above the Survivor's thumb of the left hand.  Try watching a few Youtubers and you'll soon get a good idea.

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