Take water from waterfals and ice holes


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Nice idea.  I like game options.

1.  You can get water for 'free' out of Toilets.  I can not understand why that stuff is "potable" and does not need to be boiled.... But to each his own

2.  They added a warming mechanic for drinks placed near a fire a while back.  I also think clean water left outside below freezing (not indoors) should re-freeze and need to be melted or warmed.  That's the ENTIRE point of the melting snow process because you lower your body temp too much by consuming frozen water.   

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I like the idea of getting water from falls or ice holes although it would still be unpotable and would have to be cooked. 

Water from toilets is potable because the tank is filled with the same water that would come out of the faucet. 

As for refreezing water left outside, that would make perfect sense 

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9 hours ago, U47 said:

Water from toilets is potable because the tank is filled with the same water that would come out of the faucet. 

I suggest you open up your lid at home and have a look inside.  Now imagine that water has been sitting stagnant in the dark for months without a fresh supply of flushes.  Enjoy.

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47 minutes ago, Strategizer said:

I suggest you open up your lid at home and have a look inside.  Now imagine that water has been sitting stagnant in the dark for months without a fresh supply of flushes.  Enjoy.

I agree if there is alternative but if you have nothing else then I am sure it would be some of the best tasting water you had ever drank in a long time. Enjoy.

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14 hours ago, Strategizer said:

Nice idea.  I like game options.

1.  You can get water for 'free' out of Toilets.  I can not understand why that stuff is "potable" and does not need to be boiled.... But to each his own   

I always assumed we were pulling water out of the tank, not the bowl... That being said, it could still be pretty gross. I live in a 5th wheel and the water we get is well water... It is not the most pristine well water and seasonally can be pretty gross. Stuff grows in the toilet tank.

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Yes, you will get wetter under waterfall pretty fast, but you will get clean water. I think it doesn't need to boil, because it's river from mounting. And I really don't understand why we need to boil melted snow. This snow was absolutely clean outside. Just melt and drink. A big question for developers. And why you don't need to boil water from toilet, which was  a pretty long time? What about ice holes, I think there should be unpotable water, because it's 'standing' water in lakes and ponds. Water — the most frequently used resource in game and I think we need to get more opportunities about that. We also can eat the snow. Why not? It'a also the way to survive. Take a think about that.    Sorry for my English :)

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@mego_6atbko The snow can collect dust and bacteria, that's why you boil it. But yes, if you take fresh snow in a spot you're sure no animals came, you can just melt it. It is certainly better than drinking water from toilet bowls...

Eating snow is like drinking water from the sea: a good way to end your misery (google it, you'll see).

(and, always boil your water irl, if you can)


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9 hours ago, mego_6atbko said:

@LkP Really like from the sea?

I've answered about the boiling part. It's possible to just melt the snow and be fine, but if you plan to drink a lot, better to boil it (there are bacteria in fresh and clean snow too).

Now, about eating the snow : try it :P . To get just a glass of water (barely 1/8 of your daily intake), you'll need averagely 2,5 liters of snow. Put that in your mouth and tell me how it feels. Now repeat 8 times.
Just kidding here, don't do that please... I'm just trying to let you figure out by yourself what could be the matter.

Yes, dying of hypothermia is pretty much like suffocation or sodium overdose, you're dead before you know it. Most of the time you would have passed out anyway, it's just less painful to suffocate...
If you really want to test: freeze a glass of water, put the ice in your hand and wait until it's completely melted. Now, imagine that your hand is your stomach.

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The ice fishing holes you make in Coastal Highway would contain salt water, so I don't think that's at all more realistic than the snow melting mechanic already in the game.  Collection of water from still flowing water courses (rivers) and boiling that would make the most sense.  However, the snow melting mechanic does give us a consistent method to obtain drinking water anywhere and at any point in the gmae.

The collection of water from toilets is, most likely, to provide players using the more difficulty starting gear setting (i.e. interloper - low quality gear so poor clothing and no matches) a means of getting some water in most zones before being able to start a fire.  It is something that could be made more realistic by having the player withdraw water from the pressure tank (which most farmhouses in Canada on there own water well systems do have, but homes in towns do not) instead of the toilet tank.  A toilet is something pretty much every house has, so I'm sure that's why they chose to have us collect water from them.  In reality, all of the pipes inside the homes would have likely frozen and burst long before the player comes along.

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@LkP I didn't confirm that eating snow will be safely for health. Of course should be follow some diseases from it. But this opportunity must be. Even military of US has permission to eat some snow in critical situation. 

What about boiling snow, I agree with you. Disease should be by just melted snow, but no so often. I think 2-3% probability of drinking to get disease should be fine. 


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