My Take on the Fox

Willy Pete

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I've seen a few posts about bringing foxes into the game and I definitely think that the Fox could have a niche role as a minor antagonist animal.

For world interactions, the fox would sit just below the deer on the food chain. That's not to say that deer will chase after and eat a fox, just that foxes would either be neutral towards or fearful of deer. They would prey on rabbits the same way wolves do, and be preyed on in turn by wolves (though unlike rabbits and deer, foxes should be faster than wolves meaning that in most cases wolves will simply run a fox off). Just like wolves, they would flee from bears and moose as well.

For player interactions, foxes would be no threat to a healthy player, but would stalk them from a distance with a greater detection range than wolves. If they player goes after the fox, it would run away, maintaining a buffer distance from the player. If the player raises a weapon to the fox or hits it with a rock, it will run away for a period of time. If the fox is given a decoy it will take it and run off for a longer period of time. Flares, torches, and flashlights could all scare it off.

However, if the player is injured with a sprained body part, reduced condition, or empty status bars the fox will try to take advantage of the situation. In this case, the fox would use hit and run tactics, trying to circle around the player and bite at their ankles from behind. If the player is fast enough they can kick the fox off by clicking on it, if not they get a bite which could result in bleeding, infection risk, or a sprained foot as well as a slight decrease in condition. This could be fatal for characters who have just had a run in with a wolf, bear, or moose.

If killed, the fox would yield some lower calorie wolf-style meat, one fox pelt, and one or two guts. Fox pelts could be used to craft mittens and a hat like rabbit pelts, offering more protection for less warmth.

What do you guys think?

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6 hours ago, Doc Feral said:

but overcomplicated

It could be dumbed down if needed, but I don't think so.

I'm no computer whiz, but the pathing wouldn't be too different from wolves. You would just increase the detect distance and have the animal behave like the wolf, but instead of growling all nasty like and staying a short distance away just keep it quiet and increase that distance. The flight mechanic is already implemented as wolves will charge you when raising a weapon to them, all you do is switch the reaction to flee.

We've already got a struggle mechanic. If programming in the click to kick off is too difficult (I imagine it wouldn't be as we've already got a click to pick up with stunned rabbits and the like), maybe a QTE like you get with the wolf could be used. Only you have a significantly reduced time to react and the button is in one of three or four slots, otherwise you could just madly click the same spot every time and more easily beat the fox.

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1 hour ago, DerpyLemon115 said:

Wow, I really like the idea of an animal taking advantage of a weakened player like you described.

I think in a way wolves already do this? I could be wrong but I believe they will be more confident/aggressive towards you if your stats or condition are low.

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I believe wolves only go after you when you're bleeding and your "meat sweats" meter goes up. Basically, same as if you're carrying a lot of uncooked/uncured guts and meats and whatnot, except it's your own blood.

I like the fox idea. The stalking/attack concept is interesting, though as I (and was previously) mentioned, I don't think anything understands a weakened condition other than bleeding out. To be fair, in real life I think they *can* sense that... just not in-game as the game currently is. But fox pelt clothing sounds pretty sweet. I'd definitely be down for a fox version of a hat that resembles Davy Crocket's raccoon hat.

The mountain lion idea scares me.

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