The Long Dark New Year's Resolutions


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As 2018 winds its way down and 2019 approaches what are some of your The Long Dark New Year's resolutions? It can either be meta items like wanting to do a 500 day run in Interloper, or in-game resolutions like to not eat so many rabbits or to stop looting people's cabins.

Please do not post WINTERMUTE spoilers in this thread. If you want to mention something in WINTERMUTE keep it vague. 

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  1. Faithful Cartographer.

After that, well, just keep enjoying the game, really. Amazingly, this is the first game I've evangelized since I dunno, the late nineties? The atmosphere, style of game play (usually very relaxed... until it isn't), the thinking aspects of the challenge of keeping your person alive, not just right now but next week, and the raw beauty of the images this game makes make it a real high watermark in the video game industry as its currently constituted.

Oh yeah, I want to start streaming playthroughs; now that winter is here the music part of my career is going to slow down a lot, and the crunch time in the software startup I'm working in is also going to be winding down, so I'm expecting to be able to have some time for it over the next four or five months until the music season starts up again for the summer in May.

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#1- To grit my teeth and complete a 500 day run, while getting the other 4 Steam Achievements I need in Survival Mode to 100% the game.

#2- Finish #1, and swear off doing long runs ever again, getting back to trying to climb every single thing that can, and possibly should not be, climbed. Just because they are there.

#3- Have one, just one, run where I do not get Food Poisoning, from anything, without the use of custom settings.

#4- Actually ignore the trolls. Everywhere. Especially on Twitter and the Steam forums. AKA/ Learn to use and respect the "Block" functions.

#5- Take even more ridiculously pretty screenshots in the game, hopefully from new summits, never seen before. 


#5 will be the easiest.  ;) 

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Quonset Manager's Resolutions:

1. Find more bullets.

2. Figure out why D. Wolf keeps haunting my dreams.

3. Figure out if this person living next door is real or just my imagination playing tricks on me because of my hellish, sophistic existence.

4. Carry more rocks so if I ever do break through weak ice, it'll be a quick end to this parody people might call life.

5. Figure out where all these damn bears are coming from.

6. Restock the deli section with fresh water fish.

7. Find Trombley and end him once and for all.

8. Floss.

9. Restock the cattails

10. Turn this pile of scrap metal into knives, hatchets, and arrows.

11. Finish stripping every last thing off the two surviving cabins up the trail.

12. Kill that moose that broke my rib cage and dance about on his grave.

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My resolution is to finally climb Timberwolf Mountain. Would you credit it, 221 hours in The Long Dark and I still haven't done that. I also aim on completing some challenges and in getting a full crafted clothing set.  

One nice thing about Redux is that it has helped me get over my fear of wolves and bears a bit, due to more risk-taking in story-mode and forced encounters. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous in game, they're only polygons and textures, however masterfully animated and vocalised, but all the same I end up a jittery bag of nerves! So I aim this year in being a bit braver.

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Reach 1,000 days on my original sandbox.  I'm currently on 791 but bored to tears - nothing left to loot or break down, have enough supplies to live...well a LOOONG time.  I spend my days now looking for more saplings...not sure why since I already have over 100 arrows.

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