Answering Nature's Call


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My eight year old son was watching over my shoulder today while I was playing.  He was bewildered at that fact that there were toilets but you weren't required to use the restroom.  He felt it was a brilliant suggestion that no one else had thought of and insisted I submit it for addition in the next update.  He didn't even flinch when I suggested that it was where I keep my drinking water...

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Guest kristaok

I been wanting the ability to use the toilet and take a bath even if it's a cat bath... either way the ability to use the restroom would add a lot of realism to the game. Kudos to your boy! he's smart!

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I agree with your son! This is something I've wanted since I've first started playing and was struck stupid that you didn't need a pot to melt snow and boil water in. Surely the devs could figure something out and make it an optional thing for those of us who like realism.

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sadly, it is not going to happen. Very, very long ago the Hinterland acknowledged several of the things that they never intend to add into the game. This was one of them. Of course, they may have changed their mind... but its not likely. Amongst other things that they never intend to add was, for example, cannibalism.

Why the ability to relieve oneself is not going to be in the game is a mystery to me. But regardless - it would not affect the drinking water reserves in the toilet :D As those are not in the actual bowl, but rather it is the water, stored in the tank, that is later used to flush the waste away. That water comes from the water reserves like the water in the sinks would.

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I think the answer to natures call may be due to classification of the game (I may be wrong but hear me out). For some reason its perfectly ok to be mauled by a bear, eaten by a wolf or moosed to death but the concept of doing your business probably would get a no no from age classification. Reminds me of a comment from Bear Grylls who nonchalantly commented on an episode when he was taking a celebrity into the wilds that a good way to keep you warm is to poop, wrap it up in a bag or clingfilm and then keep it in your pocket as a hand warmer.

You also will need to add in the fact that trying to pee while it minus 40 and a guy is an "interesting" situation. Additionally I doubt the plumbing in houses are working, as likely frozen, you also have to factor in the smell will attract predators and will you use your last piece of cloth to wipe or repair your hat that is nearly ruined?

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On 12/27/2018 at 3:27 AM, Mroz4k said:

it would not affect the drinking water reserves in the toilet :D As those are not in the actual bowl, but rather it is the water, stored in the tank, that is later used to flush the waste away. That water comes from the water reserves like the water in the sinks would.

Half the toilets in TLD don’t have the reserve tank on the back. You’re getting that water straight from the bowl. For instance carter dam toilets. 


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