Why do we melt snow?


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42 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Awesome video, and all good advice.. 

Sadly, there will be people who will still tell you that they do "survival camping" all of the time, and all of the facts in the video are not true.  


Nice find. :)

Thanks. I don't know if all these advices are scientifically based and actually helpful, but as Julius Caesar said: "Never trust the internet!"???

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Lol! I think there are real fact in here, but... this company is known for mixing in a bit too much humor and sarcasm into their productions, making it harder to pick out what is a fact and what isn't. 

Because no one whats to sit and watch 5 minutes of actual dry, boring facts, documentary style. There must be meme to get people to click.  ;)


Still a good find. :)

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