TLD Development History


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I began playing TLD when it was released.  At the time, I had a very difficult time with it and decided it needed some "polishing".  I would check back every so often but didn't come back and start seriously playing until about 18 months ago.  I have over 1,000 steam hours logged and it continues to be my go-to game even though I have many others to play. 

I began looking through some older threads and discovered Hinterland's YouTube channel.  I was amazed how many changes & enhancements had been made over the years!  I have to admit, I don't think I've ever seen a game go through so many continuous modifications.  Sure, games are released and years later you'll get a game2, etc.  I have to hand it to HL for sticking with the passion that is evident in this game!  Stay true, @Raphael van Lierop and the HL staff.

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I haven't been playing nearly as long, but I have watched many old Youtubes of player engaged in early versions of the game.  At many points, I thought: "Gee, they could have completely kept that interface -- it was usable and not horrid for a non-AAA dev studio."  But they kept improving it to what it is now.   Thank goodness, because the progress is incredible, beautiful in many ways and sometimes even intuitive (which is a harder nut to crack that you'd expect).

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