Placing items from the Radial... have you even?


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So, lots of threads about the new cooking system, and placing pots, cans and food from the Radial. Got it.

But... have you even noticed that you can quick-place some items from the Radial Menu now? Not all, but some of the ones we all grumbled about having to drop, then pick up with the RMB, to place? Like the rifle... having to drop it out of inventory, onto the ground, to be able to RMB pick it up and place in on a gun rack.

Not everything can be placed this way, but the things that can... small joys, less clicking, less having to move my character in tiny steps to pick something up off the floor then try to get her positioned correctly to actually make the placement location valid.

Have you even? Have you tried it, played with it to see how it works? To see what items you can and cannot place this way?

Honestly, I have been enjoying this seemingly unknown function (I haven't seen any threads yet about it... I may have missed it or them, though...), and perhaps this is why the muscle memory for placing raw meat and fish from the Radial is not an issue for me. Because I place all kinds of things from the Radial, and have developed new muscle memory, that makes it like second nature for me. 

I would like to suggest people who are finding themselves eating raw meat constantly, slow down, first, lol! Your survivor is not going to starve to death if you stop spam clicking everything in a hurry. And second, start a fresh PILGRIM run, just to play with the Radial menu, see what can be placed directly from it, and practice doing so. For me, once I started, it became natural. Your Mileage May Vary. Widely. 

But you won't know unless you actually give it a go...

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Yup I caught onto that actually, I just didn't think to say anything about it.  Doing a water boiling spree, this is great for placing water on a shelf 1L at a time.  Or the guns, I can drop it on the table by the fireplace easier.  Or if you're in a place with a gun rack on the wall like the hunting lodge, you can RMB it right into place.

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Guest jeffpeng

Yes I use that feature excessively and actually find myself boooing everytime I want to do that with an item that doesn't let me do it. But you are right about the muscle memory, which is so set in stone for me that I still accidentally try to drink 1 out of 10 water bottles I try to line up on a shelf. But it is an overall great addition that makes a lot of things easier. 

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Yep. I use it because this was a frustration of mine to where I ended up using the full inventory over the radial menu. Trust with the radial ended for me with meds, and using meds with higher condition when wanting to use the lower condition ones first.

I use it when I want to do an insane amount of cooking with meats.

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