Reduce Full Hide Repair Requirement for Moose Coat


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Now that you killed two Moose and made a coat and a satchel, your out in the rough sporting some extreme weather gear.

Why is that satchel repair only takes a bit of cured leather,  But coat repair take a full hide?  Making a coat takes full hide.  

Considering the size of pelt, you should be able to make up to 4 satchels as compared to making a one size fits all coat.      When it comes to repair, I'd like to see using a deer hide to repair the moose coat instead of having to use a full hide.

Moose doesnt come around nearly enough as compared to the coats decay rate, imho.

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1 hour ago, Krait said:

Can't you just harvest the coat if it really needs to be repaired?

i dont know, havent tried that.  Is that possible, because it sounds like what your saying is that harvesting the Moose coat will yield you a new full pelt and you can make another new coat out of that?  does that go the same for the satchel then?

Cause if it does,  totally cool.  

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To add about the Satchel: No, doesn't work for the satchel, needs cured leather, luckily the decay rate on the satchel is pretty low!

Also decay on the satchel doesn't impact carry weight if I'm correctly informed.. (Not sure what impact decay on the satchel actually has tbh..)

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You can indeed harvest a moose cloak which yields a brand new moose hide.  Not really happy with this implementation but it beats using a separate moose hide for repair.

What I'd like to see is a degradation of the Cloak stats after each repair.   I imagine you'd be cutting bits off the hem of the cloak to effect repairs thus making the cloak smaller and less effective. 

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To me, it always feel a bit off that you need an entire hide to make a repair. What would be interesting is that you could tear down a cured hide into a certain quantity (that would vary depending of the type of hide) of hide patch. These hide patchs will be use to repair crafted clothes of the same hide type or to repair anything that a piece of cloth can. It would be makeshift cloth.

That way, we would have a renewable source of cloth for extreme late game player, but at great cost.

Additionally, I think that harvesting a moose cloak to get a brand new moose hide is something that should removed.

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