The Quonset Manager Origin Story

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"...baccalaureate thesis, De Principio Individui (“On the Principle of the Individual”), which appeared in May 1663, was inspired partly by Lutheran nominalism (the theory that universals have no reality but are mere names) and emphasized the existential value of the individual, who is not to be explained either by matter alone or by form alone but rather by his whole being (entitate tota). This notion was the first germ of the future monad. In 1666 he wrote De Arte Combinatoria (“On the Art of Combination”), in which he formulated a model that is the theoretical ancestor of some modern computers: all reasoning, all discovery, verbal or not, is reducible to an ordered combination of elements, such as numbers, words, sounds, or colours."

" 1675 Leibniz laid the foundations of both integral and differential calculus. With this discovery, he ceased to consider time and space as substances—another step closer to monadology. He began to develop the notion that the concepts of extension and motion contained an element of the imaginary, so that the basic laws of motion could not be discovered merely from a study of their nature. Nevertheless, he continued to hold that extension and motion could provide a means for explaining and predicting the course of phenomena. Thus, contrary to Descartes, Leibniz held that it would not be contradictory to posit that this world is a well-related dream. If visible movement depends on the imaginary element found in the concept of extension, it can no longer be defined by simple local movement; it must be the result of a force. In criticizing the Cartesian formulation of the laws of motion, known as mechanics, Leibniz became, in 1676, the founder of a new formulation, known as dynamics, which substituted kinetic energy for the conservation of movement. At the same time, beginning with the principle that light follows the path of least resistance, he believed that he could demonstrate the ordering of nature toward a final goal or cause."

"...development of Leibniz’s views, revealed in a text written in 1686 but long unpublished, was his generalization concerning propositions that in every true affirmative proposition, whether necessary or contingent, the predicate is contained in the notion of the subject. This notion seemed to imply determinism and thus to undermine human freedom—as did Leibniz’s conception of monads, the soul-like individual substances that make up the universe, as in a sense “containing” all of their pasts and futures."

"...understand what a monad is by beginning from the idea of a complete concept. As previously stated, a substance (that is, monad) is that reality which the complete concept represents. A complete concept contains within itself all the predicates of the subject of which it is the concept, and these predicates are related by sufficient reasons into a vast single network of explanation. So, relatedly, the monad must not only exhibit properties, but contain within itself "virtually" or "potentially" all the properties it will exhibit in the future, as well as contain the "trace" of all the properties it did exhibit in the past. In Leibniz's extraordinary phrase, found frequently in his later work, the monad is "pregnant" with the future and "laden" with the past. All these properties are "folded up" within the monad; they unfold when they have sufficient reason to do so. Furthermore, the network of explanation is indivisible; to divide it would either leave some predicates without a sufficient reason or merely separate two substances that never belonged together in the first place. Correspondingly, the monad is one, simple and indivisible."

"...analysis of space and time Leibniz argues that all relational predicates are actually interior predicates of some complete concept, so the monad's properties include all of its relations to every other monad in the universe. A monad, then, is self-sufficient. Having all these properties within itself, it doesn't need to be actually related to or influenced by another other monad. Leibniz writes:

    So if I were capable of considering distinctly everything which is happening or appearing to me now, I would be able to see in it everything which will ever happen or appear to me for all time. And it would not be prevented, and would still happen to me, even if everything outside me were destroyed, so long as there remained only God and me.

Thus, just like space and time, cause and effect is a "well-founded" illusion. According to Leibniz, causation is to be account for by saying that one thing, A, causes another, B, when the virtual relation between them is more clearly and simply expressed in A than in B. But metaphysically, Leibniz argues, it makes no difference which way around the relation is understood, because the relation itself is not real."

Selected Quotes from Maximillion Ivanov's "The Subjectification of the Objective" concerning Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz and the parallels between the modern memetic universe theory and Monadism.

EDITOR: These quotes are believed to have been plagiarized from recovered hard drives found at the NSA internet backup facility as part of "Project: Recovery" in the city formerly known as Lebanon, in the former state of Kansas, in the former country of the United States of America. Attribution of these quotes are to The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Mr. Ivanov continues to categorically reject all claims of plagiarism and refers all other inquires to his legal team. Frankly, the evidence is irrefutable.

The big question is, of course, "How did Maximillion get access to the project's data a full 12 years before its' release to the general public?"

Edited by TheEldritchGod
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  • 4 weeks later...



Never tell the truth when a lie will do.

Never tell the truth the same way twice. It will create the forest in which your lies take root.

Loyalty is a commodity, it is only valuable when the supply is low.

If you are forced to do something, be good at it.

Know when to walk away.

Avoid punishment.

Lies are an attack on authority

The truth is the best weapon, but lies are a far more common form ammunition. Know when to be a sniper, and when to spray and pray.

Deception is better than a lie, since deception is both truth and falsehood at the same time.

Jokes at another's expense are just hostility cloaked in deception.

Lies fulfill the needs and wishes of the deceiver.

Always accommodate the self-deception of others. No emperor ever rewarded the man who pointed out he was naked.

Men lie about their accomplishments.

Women lie about how well they get along with others.

It is easier for one to lie about how they see themselves, then to change what they are.

Lies that don't matter to you, will matter to others.

Telling the truth is to surrender control.

Sunlight kills a lie or causes it grow uncontrollably.

A lie is best clothed in subjective truth.

People want the world to be unfair in their favor, by either gaining more than you or tearing you down. Conceal any benefits or rewards you gain whenever possible.

Anonymity is a lie by omission.

Hide information that people don't need to know.

Truth is power. Lies strip away power. Be wary, for a lie cuts both ways.

The asking price is not the selling price.

Bluffing is a lie people expect. People blame themselves when they fall for something they expected.

Lies that build you up draw attention. Make sure you know what you want to do with that attention before you attract it.

Sometimes you should lie just to see what happens.

An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.

The mask we wear is cover against the attacks of others. Better to have people attack an empty shell than to put yourself at risk.

Procrastination is another form of lying.

If you avoid a problem long enough, the problem becomes moot, and therefore solves itself.

Nobody notices a boring lie.

All drama is a form of lying.

People have a hard time believing what they cannot perceive. Use their imagination against them.

Lie hard enough and there is no truth that cannot be hidden.

Innocence is ignorance combined with a happy lie. Always strive to protect the innocence of others.

Lies do not damage the trust and loyalties others have in us. Getting caught does.

There are many reasons to lie, spite isn't one of them.

We must all strive to look beyond our base needs and desires. Seek out your higher selfishness.

Often the interests of others are in your best interest. Trick them into ask you to do what you would have done anyways to put them in your debt.

The greatest lie is that we are entitled to anything. All are justified in taking anything they can.

Claim everything you take is rightfully yours. Since no one else has a just claim to anything, no one can dispute you once it is yours.

Humans crave justice in a world that has none.

If something costs you dearly, we lie to ourselves and add value to that thing, even if it objectively worthless.

Honor, morals, and scruples all cost you dearly.

Ask people for help in trivial matters. One will assume they like you, the more work they do for you.

Never trust anyone who asks you for help.

Rules are simulations of reality and all simulations are lies.

There is only one objective reality and we all live in that truth. No one can know objective reality, only their own subjective reality.

All subjective truths are fantasies. All fantasies are lies.

Someone who does not perceive their exploitation is not exploited.

Never outshine the master.

Use your friends to your benefit, but never use them up.

Beaten opponents respect you more than any friend.

Conceal your intentions.

The less you speak, the better.

There is no balm for a wounded reputation, guard it with your life.

A reputation cannot exist without attention.

People don't like bad things so people try to forget the bad things. This is why people remember the past fondly and fear the future.

All publicity is good publicity. Always steal the credit, even when it's bad.

Make others come to you.

When you lay bait, do not shoot at the first animal to show up, but wait until the entire herd has gathered.

We win by our actions. Use argument to justify your actions.

Avoid the unhappy and unlucky.

Keep people dependent on you. People never bite the hand that feeds them. They bite the hand they no longer need.

Be honest about that which doesn't matter to disarm your enemies.

Pose as a friend. Work as a spy. All interrogations should be hidden in a friendly chat.

You don't have to forgive your enemies if you crush them out of existence.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It is better to hear, "Why have you been gone?" then, "Why have you come again?"

Unpredictability is a virtue.

Isolation is dangerous. Anyone who wants you to cut social ties with others wants to control you.

Do not offend the wrong person.

Do not fully commit to any plan or side in a conflict. The man who commits everything, risks everything.

He who defends everything protects nothing.

Concentrate your power, but diversify your resources.

Act the fool, to catch a sucker.

Surrender before you have lost to negotiate better terms.

Don't allow others to define you.

Define yourself as you wish to be, not as you are.

Your life is a story, be the main character.

Keep your hands clean. Find a scapegoat and have them act as your catspaw.

Create a cult. People want to believe in a fair world, play upon that belief.

There are those who know, and those who believe.

Second guess yourself when you are safe for doubt can protect against bad outcomes.

When in danger, act decisively and with boldness. You will either succeed or fail. Doubt can only cost you victory.

Come up with at least one plan that works all the way to the conclusion you want. You may need to improvise, but if you don't have at least one plan, you are relying on luck.

The best way to make a plan is to start where you want to end up, then work backwards to where you are now.

Determine reward. Calculate risk.

Never complain about how hard it is to do something. Always make your accomplishments seem effortless.

Overnight success is an illusion.

People want to choose their future. Make sure every choice they have benefits you.

If you think you are being played. You are being played.

Find people's weak spots. Never reveal true weaknesses.

Act like a king.

Do not be loyal to those who are disloyal.

Distain that which you cannot have.

People will believe lies so insane that nobody would dare to speak them.

If everyone agrees with you, take a moment to reflect.

Think as you like, but mirror those around you. It is a rare soul who is not in love with their reflection.

Make people react to you.

Take from your enemies. Give to those who would become allies. Leave the crumbs to those who already call you friend.

Do not accept a free lunch.

Never step into a great man's shoes.

Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will scatter.

Never abuse those who are below you without a reason they understand, for they will grow to hate you, not hate themselves.

Always encourage others to change, it weakens them if they take too many risks at once. Bad advice is a great weapon.

Be familiar and change slowly so others will remain comfortable with you.

Never appear perfect. Create false flaws that you allow others to uncover.

In victory, know when to stop.

Be formless, like water. Conform to your environment to control it.

When you go to war, declare war.

When at war, the faster you end a war, the better.

If a war drags on, turn it into a crusade.

Never fight a war the same way twice.

When all is lost, allow urgency and desperation to overcome you so that you act as if this is the last thing you will ever do. Fear focused is courage and a courageous man can do the impossible.

You are never fully prepared to begin.

God doesn't care about anyone, but tell everyone he is on your side anyways.

Pick your battles. Don't throw rocks at every dog that barks.

Make your enemies live up to their own standards.

Doubt is best in the minds of your enemies.

Trade space for time. You can recover space, you can never reclaim time.

You don't have to win all the battles, only the last battle.

If you are going to hit someone, hit him where it hurts, or where it stops him from feeling anything ever again.

Negotiate while advancing.

The fool revels in his knowledge and knows no bounds. The wise man defines his knowledge by the void that surrounds it. Failure to know your limits only leads to failure.

Know yourself.

Know your enemy.

Know the conditions under which which you fight.

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  • 5 months later...



We've been friends a long time. You asked me to keep on top of the Trombley situation and I have done as you asked, however, I cannot continue in this capacity any further. I've gotten old and this is a young man's game.

I blame myself for not seeing the signs. I know you'll tell me that it's not my fault, but I cannot help but think a person in better health could have been on top of this and headed this problem off before it got out of hand.

At this point you have read the reports. I can only give you my personal take on the matter. I believe someone we tested as a candidate for the containment corps was incorrectly rejected. Or rather, rejected for our purposes.

Seems he was quite compatible with Trombley.

We don't know how we missed it. It's assumed that Trombley has figured out a way to avoid detection and either become active and keep his profile so low that he can slip under the radar for short periods of time. A review of past samples of the containment cairns shows that it's possible he's been faking inactivity in hopes we'd slip up.

Boy did we slip up.

When the security cordon around the island was breached, the sudden arrival of the blizzard made immediate interception impossible. When we finally managed to send in Response Team 004 "The Ice Hammers" they found the vessel had run aground and there were no survivors.

We wrongly assumed that Trombley was in an inactive state and sent in the Ice Hammers to figure out if anyone made it on shore. From the footage, what little of the transmissions that the monitoring station picked up, we have determined that the individual who killed Response Team 004 was one Charlton Györgyi.

The on sight commander wisely initiated a complete evacuation of the island to evac points Alpha and Beta. Delta evac point was not used because nobody was present on that side of the island.

Unfortunately the majority of personnel were closest to evacuation site beta. Everyone who made it to Alpha evac were successfully extracted.

"Successfully Extracted"

How impersonal those words. Only six out of twenty made it out alive. He tortured the poor bastards who made it to Beta. Played it over the vox. We have hours of recordings if you want to heard it. I don't recommend it. I listened to every second. I forced myself.

Teams one through three were prepared to go in to attempt a rescue but I knew it was pointless. It was my call. I take full responsibility. I know it was the right call. That doesn't mean I don't hate myself for it.

As far as we can tell Trombley is tearing up the containment web as we speak. We have no choice but to deploy a candidate immediately and hope he's compatible. If we have access to any of the previous candidates who survived, we need to approach them and see if they would be willing to step up. We should also inform them it is a suicide mission, but our list is growing rather thin.

I'm not going to lie. This is going to be a blood bath. It'll take at least a dozen attempts, if not more. With Trombley having a host, it's only a matter of time before he gets free. If we throw enough candidates at the problem, assuming we can find enough, we'll be able to keep this locked down. If we run out of people before the web is re-established...


I'm not sure if we really have a contingency for that.

Please accept this as my resignation. I just can't anymore. It's too much. I understand the alternative is worse, but this is just too much blood on my hands. I suggest you begin looking for a replacement immediately.

I'm sorry.

By the time you get this letter, I will have already arrived at Evac Site Alpha. I was a previous candidate, and so we know I am compatible. I know my health is poor and I won't last long, but I cannot allow anyone else to go on to that damnable island and fix my mistakes. Maybe I'll get lucky. Who knows.

All I know is that if I don't do this, I will never forgive myself. I honestly cannot live with this knowledge. Please don't morn for me, Young Hero. This is what an old man is supposed to do. Better to burn out than fade away.

Take care and hug Valda for me. I left her something in my will.

 - Irv

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  • 4 weeks later...

Day 929: I awoke at sunset. I don't know why, but I knew something had changed. A distant rumbling sound. It came from over the mountains. I decided to postpone my road trip to go investigate.

Day 930: A strong blizzard rose up, much to my chagrin. On the upside, the blizzards usually drive away the wolves. I got to the mine to find all my supplies placed in a red box. I... don't remember doing that. Did someone else come thought? If so... why didn't they take any of my supplies? I must have done it and forgotten... I must... have.

Day 931: I got to the other end of the mine, only to find evidence that this end, the one leading to the valley was... broken into. Which is odd because I know I left the gate unlocked. Maybe a bear? It looks torn out or... like something big... BURST out...

- Is... that a building?

- I took time to go check on my supply cache in the cave below the overhang. My curing rabbit hide and guts were undisturbed... but... I could have sworn I searched this corpse. There was a box of pistol ammo next to it. I...

- I have made it to the minimart. I remember thinking of opening up a branch her, but after the incident with the Orca X, I have elected to forgo any expansion of the franchise. Nothing seems to be disturbed here. Even the tinder plug I put by the door is unmoved. However... it... I must investigate.

- There is a building across the street. No. THERE IS A WHOLE TOWN ACROSS THE STREET. WHAT. THE. FUCK? I... Actually... I don't recall spending much time here. I would have thought I would have noticed a TOWN. Well... maybe... Did I pass by here in a blizzard? Maybe I missed it. This... is... odd. Very. ODD.

- I'm really weirded out here. The picking were slim, except for all the ammunition I found. The clothing and food is worthless, but lots of raw materials here. I could stay here for days if needed. Might need to do some starvation living, but shouldn't be that-



I know... I KNOW I searched ever inch of this. I was looking out the window at the children's playground, it has a fire pit, and past it was several cattails. I know for a fact I scoured this river for cattails already. Something... strange is going on.

- I am covering myself with my bedroll. I will spend the night watching the area. I have found that spending too much time indoors drives me a little looney, and I will watch for signs of intelligent activity.

I went inside the main community center and started a fire. I figured that would draw attention. I retreated to a vehicle nearby and hid in the back seat. I faded in and out of sleep, since I rarely sleep at all, lately. My dreams were filled with... not nightmares but vivid and- and- and...  

Day 931: Starting getting too cold to sleep in the car anymore. I ran inside, the fire long burned out. There were howls in the hills nearby. I suspect I am near a lone wolf or two. Most of them hang out in the wide open fields. I think there are rabbits nearby... maybe deer. I will see about securing this location before moving on. I have come to enjoy the feasting so common on the coast. I should have repaired my bear coat before coming here. But the weather has been so... mild. I am uncertain if it will be an issue. 

It must be me. My memory must be bad. It is too early to go out. And yet... it is... there is light here. Unnatural light. The heads of all the deer on the wall are clearly visible in the light. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness and I can see the deer heads.

I feel this place is unholy.

- This place is full of chairs... metal chairs... chairs I cannot break down with my hacksaw... except for the one in the office. What manner of deviltry is this? No metal can withstand the might of my serrated blade! And yet... This building resists my attempts to scour it of all usable material.

At least these tables fall easily to my axe. I regret leaving behind the hammer. But I have many axes. I will miss the loss of one. But it has been many... many years. What is the point of hoarding all these supplies, if not to use them?

I will make a base camp here, reinforce my position. I will prepare supplies then move on to survey the valley. It has been over a year... maybe two since I was here last.

- Found a corpse in the graveyard. On the surface. Seems fresh. Very... odd.

Day 932: Made it to draft dodgers. Killed two deer and a few rabbits. Put the snares I left here back up. I figure I should get the old bases up and running again. Haven't used them since I hauled all that gear from the top of the mountain down to the coast.

Wolves acting funny. They don't go for the lures anymore. In fact, I can scare them off just by pointing a gun at them. Did they finally learn? Is it possible I might be able to just... scare them away? After all these years, did the survivors finally learn to leave me alone?

That does mean getting food will be a bit harder. I chased a bunny into a wolf. They both sprinted past me. Haven't seen a bunny run that fast before. But eventually he caught up. Funny... my arrow went wide. Had to shoot twice. I never have to shoot twice. Not sure what is going on.

Day 935: I KNOW There wasn't a crashed airplane here... I mean... Wait... this is.. the front of a plane. And up on TWM there was the back of a plane. But... I hauled so much gear past this spot and I KNOW there was no plane here... Getting cold. And the wolves are acting funny. Haven't used these many bullets in a long time. Going to get looting.

Day 936: Tried a new trail I never noticed. Got jumped by two wolves. One got a good chomp on me. Decided too much of a pain to make it back to draft dodgers. Went to the old farm house. My piles of supplies are gone. And... I... don't remember this door in the basement. It's... like the house I used as a base for those two months... but not. I'm almost afraid to head upstairs.

- What... the... hell? There is a pot on the wall. I cannot remove it. It... it is... smoking. Or... steaming? It's like it's cooking something, but it is hanging on the wall.




- It is night now. 

When I came up stairs, the sun was sill below the horizon. I could only see the steaming pot in the half light. I have no desire to recreate the conditions. I went upstairs, made some notes and slept. When I awoke, the sun was setting, but I could see clearly.


I know I smashed ever last piece of furniture in this place. Every scrap of cloth and metal is down at the Quonset. And yet... there are brand new chairs here. New tables... with table cloths.

All my water and food is gone. I do not begrudge whomever stole my supplies. In fact, I wish him or her well. I do wish they left a note or something. Or that they... had not moved my message arrows.

Parts of my handiwork are still visible. Some of the shelves are still gone, others have been replaced. I... am most disturbed by the missing crib. I went to check on the pot on the wall. Apparently it only steams at dusk and dawn. If it's too bright or dark, the steam stops. 

This place terrifies me.

 I will remain here long enough to replace my water supply then I'm moving on.

Day 937: I saw the bear again. Thought I might lure him up to the house to snipe him from the porch, but... the house was making me... feel... I ran past him but he smelled me. He turned to follow and...

I do not remember this shack by the edge of the road.

I am writing from a haystack.

I like haystacks. Don't ask me why. I just do.

I also have run past this spot a thousand times hauling all the supplies from the mountain.

What is going on?

Day 938: I made it back to the community hall in a blizzard. I can't see the minimart from here... so... okay...

I found some frozen airline dinners up at the plane crash site. I tried to cook them. I put them by the stove. I put them ON the stove...

Damn things won't cook, much less MELT. I'm afraid to try and eat them. What the hell is going on in this damn valley?

Day 939: Motherfucker.

I have had it with this damn valley and it won't let me leave. The wolves, so absent when I arrived, have returned in force and now they are laughing at my gun. I don't get it. If I had the long rifle I'd put them down, but I took the pistol because of the weight. I am so glad I kept these ski boots. They have saved my ankles, but goddamn I don't remember wolves being this much of an issue.

I have returned to the community hall to rest and repair my clothing, while replenishing my supplies. I can't believe I finally used a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I got a dozen of the damn things back at the quonset.

- Decided against going back to Coastal Highway. Time to go harvest more birch bark from the ravine, anyways. Going to head back through the dam.

- I should just chuck these pistols. Oversized noise maker, that's what it they are. Went back to using the bow. Much better at dealing with wolves. I think if I need to hunt wolves, considering they are wising up is to lure them into critters. Pick them off when they stop to eat.

- Made it to Winding River cave. Forgot how many things i killed and left here to cure. Going to bed down here and then make a break for the dam.

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  • 1 year later...

This is going all house of zone. I'm serious. I need to know EVERY STEP of this. And we need someone else independent to corroborate. I don't think you truly understand what this means. It means that the literary world will explode. Your documentation needs to be perfect on this. The hand writing is correct. It matches his style perfectly. 

But if you are correct, and we can find someone independent to confirm what you claim, then we're going to be famous. It also pisses me off. Any clues as to the point of origin of the paper and/or ink? We need to figure out the source of this forgery.



I'm writing this in hopes that I wrote this in vain.


...came to great bear island as part of an illegal archeology expedition. I had been refused access to the island by the government because of a "biological hazard". The island had been quarantined for years and word was that the were never going to let anyone onto the island for some time to come. The place always called to me, for some reason, ever since I first heard of it.

That is when I was approached by a man who referred to himself as, C. I did overhear someone call him by the name Al at one point. He had many friends who were willing to help him and while I got a very nasty vibe about all this, he had the ability to get me to Great Bear island and finance my expedition. He had provided evidence that the "biological hazard" was a fabrication and he desired to figure out why there was a coverup.

Frankly, I didn't care. I just wanted to find out if my calculations were right. If I could find the underground shelter where Jenny's two friends had killed each other, it would make my career.

It never occurred to me that Al might have another reason for helping me.

I only took two friends of mine who could be trusted, and Al sent over six other people who were a member of Al's cult.

Yes. I use the word cult. I didn't know it at the time, but I know now. When I found out it was a cult, I didn't believe it. Until I found out everything they believed in was true.

Damn it's hard to think.

We were abandoned on the island. I didn't figure this out until that snow storm came up and I tried to cancel the expedition. This is when I found out they were armed. We walked on and followed my route until we got to the location. It was covered with ice. They bought ground penetrating radar and revealed that there was a shelter under the snow pack.

It was at this point that we tried to escape. I'll save you the details, but we were captured again, and Troy was shot as punishment. I made it clear that I was the master mind, but they said "I was needed". They kept us bound at that point.

I had many notes about everything, including much of my unfinished book that I was working on. However, you will noticed everything here is on hard copy. I just like printing out sections I was editing and worked-

I'm wasting time.

I got away and I'm in a cave. I know this cave from QM's notes and stories about the island. When the weather dies down, I will head to the lighthouse where the military maintains a listening post. I know I will be going to jail for violating the quarantine, but better to be alive in jail, then dead on this island.

It... I cannot believe I am writing this. Trombley was in that shelter. I saw him. None of the others could, but I could. He just walked out of the shadows. The eight of us were down there. Me and Josh were tied up and Trombley came right out of the shadows. I thought I was hallucinating when he walked through people. It was like a hologram. The strange thing was, the cultists were trying to summon him. They were... I dunno. Chanting? Piling up hard drives on top of the metal desk down there. Lighting candles and chanting and Trombley just walked out of the shadows and nobody saw him.

He... stuck his... hand? Was that a hand? Into my backpack over by the ladder. Then he walked over to the desk and reached his hand into the hard drives. I didn't say anything. I just stared. Then they cultists were murmuring to each other. They were confused. They thought they did something wrong. I asked Josh if he has seen anything but he just shook his head. I think they thought Trombley would appear. They couldn't see him.

Then Trombley was inside Josh.

I could see them both on top of each other. Superimposed and-

He pulled his hand out of his handcuffs. In the process I heard his bones in his hand snapping as a long strip of skin was peeled away. Josh then stood up and walked over to the six cultists and-

The light went out and there was screaming and the flash from the muzzle of a pistol which burned disjointed images into my mind and then-

The hatch was open. I was standing at the bottom of the stairs. My backpack was in my hand and I no longer was in handcuffs but I could smell... I... don't know how it became day or how I was standing there but when I looked down I was standing in a puddle of-


I should have looked, but I didn't. I wasn't sure what had happened but I wasn't going to waste time and I climbed the ladder two rungs at a time and slammed the hatch closed before I took off towards the sea. I wasn't sure where I was going but I know what path Jenny had taken and I knew which direction to take and if I ran hard. I could get to the abandoned whale processing plant before dark. I only briefly looked back as I ran.

I saw nothing save a trail of reddish-brown footsteps that were getting fainter with every step I took away from there.

I know I should have looked for Josh, but something told me he was dead. I knew they were all dead. Josh had killed them all, then killed himself. 

My JM is still in my bag, but it's dead. The power works, but the hard drive is wiped clean. I found some more notes. Some I managed to take with me. Some were with the cultists. But the parts I read make things- Well... it is all insane, but the-


I'm trying to remember what I read.


...It was harder to "chew" and Trombley would follow a story if the story was broken up, so if you wrote a story and broke up the pages, you could make Trombley travel all over the island looking for the story.

In this way, you could weave a trap. The Quonset Manager had devoted himself to creating a complex web to keep Trombley trapped on the island.

Well, it seems to have been failing. 
He seems to have been freed.

I'm writing this down so if I die, someone will know what happened. I regret not giving you more, but most of my evidence was on my JM. You can check copies of my notes back home. Maybe you can figure out who this "Al C" is. I think a picture of him might be on my condo's security tapes. He's the one responsible for all this. If you don't believe my hallucinations, that's fine. My friends are still dead. Find him and arrest him. Thanks for avenging me, if you manage to do that.

I'm writing this on the back of my work notes. So if anything happens to me, please try and finish my book. It was my life's work.

For what it's worth, It's good to know that Jennifer was real. I found absolute proof, even if my universe is crumbling around me.

I am going to get some sleep. I hope to make it to the Lighthouse at daybreak.

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As you have gotten this far in the process, it is assumed that you should go into this eyes open. You hold in your hand all the notes and information we have about Great Bear Island and the Memetic life form known as Trombley. As you have read about Trombley's control over The Vancouver Empire and how Trombley's defeat was what finally broke the back of that fascist dictatorship.

If is was not for the memetic life form known as the quonset manager, Trombley would not have been contained.

It is the nonsense that The Quonset Manager has written and the method by which he scattered his stories around the island that kept Trombley trapped. Done correctly, Trombley could be kept prisoner in certain locations for long periods of time, but always, eventually, he'd break out. It requires constant renewal of the memetic containment web to make sure he doesn't get off the island.

The pages you just read were of a researcher who was supposed to be an applicant, such as yourself. We test many applicants by having them go to the island when we know that Trombley has been properly contained. The Quonset Manager lets us know who is a good applicant. I'm afraid sometimes, despite our best effort, people who are a good host for Trombley arrive on the island. The researcher was one of those people.

In case you are wondering, he tried to make it to the lighthouse and the team assigned there was warned by the Quonset Manager and [Censored] was shot as he tried to sneak into the light house. He may not have known he was containing Trombley, but judging by his notes, Trombley was clearly hoping to use him to get off the island. Who knows what havoc he could have wrought if he had managed to get free again.

Which brings us to you.

We have trained you and helped you as best we can, but when you become possessed, your memories will fade and you will forget your current life. You will then continue the stewardship of the island. You will wander it, alone. We will drop supplies here and there, but remain out of sight as best we can to help maintain the illusion you are alone.

Unfortunately, there's nothing else to be done. We simply cannot kill Trombley, only contain him.

We know this means that you, as an individual, will be subsumed into the Memetic Life Form known as The Quonset Manager. He cannot work effectively without a host to write with. He also will only possess volunteers. We recruit from many different sources, preferring to pick people who have lost too much. The suicidal and those burdened by a life far too harsh. In a pinch, we also ask for volunteers from the military, but they rarely "qualify" for the process. It takes a certain type of person to host the Quonset Manager. You are one such person.

This is the final stage. You have read all the information we have. You have read the disclaimers and incident reports. You can still back out. However, if you agree, you will be transported to the Quonset and then the security team will leave to the listening post that monitors the island. Most likely by morning, you will wake up and forget who you are. You will have no idea how you got on the island. You will assume you crashed and that you are a lone survivor. Eventually you will begin writing and scattering the stories over the island to reinforce the memetic containment. You will do this until you die. Occasionally some people "snap out of it", but not many. If you do, come to the lighthouse and use the flare gun. A team will be sent to extract you and a new applicant will be sent in as soon as possible as your replacement.

This is a great thing that you do. We are continuing to use popular movies in an attempt to "poison" Trombley, but it may not be possible, or it may take decades or even centuries of crafting an image in the minds of millions to have an effect on him. We hope, with time, it will be successful. In time, perhaps the quonset manager can finally rest. We don't know.

If you are still willing to proceed, sign and date at the bottom of this form, and the agreed upon payment will be transferred to those you have listed as your beneficiaries.

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Do you feel the howling wind?

Do you hear the crunch of snow?

Do You Sense The Lengthening Darkness?

He's stronger than ever before and we don't know why. We have to buy more time. Every moment is a life. Every step is a prayer. He cannot let prey go free. We can use that against him.

We know the darkwalker's name. The glyphs are part of the story. We bind him with a line of fate. We write our story in blood for the ink has run dry. The web no longer holds. We are stretched to the breaking point.

Keep moving. Always keep moving.
Do not believe in miracles.
Rely on them.

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