Screen and PC issues


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I bought the game on Tuesday, played it for a solid twelve hours. Turned my PC off all days Wednesday as i was out. Thursday i came home, continued onto chapter two and went to the frozen lake near the train tracks. My screen froze but i could still hear music, walk, interact with objects etc. After six attempts of ignoring it and trying to play through by restarting the game it eventually made my whole PC freeze, it went into a constant loop of just restarting and the screen had developed white and black, then red and blue lines kind of looking like a chessboard all over my monitor. I fixed my computer by wiping down the graphics card which seemed to fix it after the second time this happened. After the second i realized it was the game. I tried various other games ranging from easy to run stuff like CS GO and Hotline Miami to somewhat decently "big" games such as PUBG or Battlefield and they worked fine, got regular FPS, no stuttering or lagging etc. But the third time i tried to play the long dark i thought it was fixed and i tried to just go back to an old save, it put my PC in a constant restarting fit and now my screen constantly has blue bars all around it, kind of look like tiny little rectangles. I'm not entirely blaming the game i honestly just want to know why this game, a unity game, did this to my computer. I'm thinking of building a new one, a more modern one as this one i bought of my friend, but still. I enjoyed this game so much and don't want to have the same thing happen again

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Thanks for your post, @DolanIsLife.

The game itself shouldn't be able to trigger a system reboot or impact your card, but if your system is overheating or has faulty hardware this could certainly happen. We'll keep an eye out for similar issues, though!

In all cases where a player has experienced crashing or other display issues, we recommend checking that your OS and graphics drivers are up-to-date. In recent months some windows players have found that disabling GPU scaling have resolved issues as well. However these types of problems would not normally cause reset-loops or system shut-downs.

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