Someone woke you up


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So you know how sometimes you wake up at night with the message "something woke you up"?

Well I was thinking that wouldn't it be really eerie if it said "somebody woke you up" or "you heard someone" followed by the sound of a door shutting. Or it could just be "something woke you up" but followed by that sound. But that would also be it, you'd never see or encounter anyone, you'd just hear that sound.

I know TLD is the quiet apocalypse and you're supposed to feel alone, but then again the map is littered with corpses and things left behind. So every time I play the game I feel like somebody was there just before me.

I don't know, I just feel like it could have been an unnerving and interesting detail. 

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Eerie, yes. But wouldn’t make that much sense. When you get a message after sleeping, it’s either because you’re freezing, hungry, thirsty, or tired (jk not tired :D). That message will say, “You woke up freezing”, for example. But if there was a “Something woke you up” message, that sound would be creepy and a nice touch. 

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Ugh. Absolutedly no. I really dont see a reason why people insist on turning this from a normal survival game into a horror survival game. The game is not supposed to be scary, only sissies are scared. Jumpscares in terms of random situations you did not expect, which however make complete sense, like wolf biting ya in the ass, thats different. But not some vague ghost boo hoo shenanigans.

5 hours ago, Fuarian said:

I'd like to see elements of other people in the game even if there are no other NPC's. Like footprints in the snow, blood trails, dead animals you didn't kill, smoke plume, burnt out campfires that weren't there before, campsites, etc... 

This I could get behind. If they were moderate, of course. By moderate I mean very rare. And the carcasses should be harvested, naturally.

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On 12/31/2017 at 9:17 PM, Mroz4k said:

Ugh. Absolutedly no. I really dont see a reason why people insist on turning this from a normal survival game into a horror survival game. The game is not supposed to be scary, only sissies are scared. Jumpscares in terms of random situations you did not expect, which however make complete sense, like wolf biting ya in the ass, thats different. But not some vague ghost boo hoo shenanigans.

Wouldn't it still make sense though? I mean, especially in pilgrim and voyager it's like people left 5 min ago, why wouldn't some still be around, scavenging houses. I don't see how it's ghost boo hoo shenanigans. What I'm talking about is also something that would be extremaly rare. 


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@Skap I totally agree with you it would make sence if there were other references of others being alive.

@Mroz4k how does that make The Long Dark into a horror game. Even if they add something like that, I doesnt at all compare to the horror games these days.

Honestly I think this game needs more things like this. After all its not like your player is the only person left.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/31/2017 at 3:17 PM, Mroz4k said:

Ugh. Absolutedly no. I really dont see a reason why people insist on turning this from a normal survival game into a horror survival game. The game is not supposed to be scary, only sissies are scared. Jumpscares in terms of random situations you did not expect, which however make complete sense, like wolf biting ya in the ass, thats different. But not some vague ghost boo hoo shenanigans.

This I could get behind. If they were moderate, of course. By moderate I mean very rare. And the carcasses should be harvested, naturally.

Only sissies are scared. Can you show me your string of battle commendations to back up that statement? If you can produce ONE commendation with "V" device on it, I will promptly retract this: You really seem to enjoy belittling people who experience the world at all differently from you. I would say more, but I'd like to keep this at least passably polite. I've been in dangerous situations, and I've seen my way through them. I've almost been killed. Was I scared? Every time. Fear doesn't make you a sissy- refusing to face your fear does.

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