How long do Moose Scratches last?


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I'm working on tracking one of our antlered friends. In an area where I have found dinged up trees in the past, I've been very carefully searching. The area isn't that big, and I can safely say that despite the black sheets around the bottoms of several trees, there is no moose to be found. Anyone have a notion of how long after a moose de-spawns they'll show signs? (I haven't killed a moose in this playthrough, so it's nothing to do with re-spawn time after hunting). 

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  • 3 months later...

The markings are permanent, and as of the last update consistent in colour between regions.

Moose respawn rates vary according to game mode, and from personal experience region to some extent. For example, on a recent Voyager run I was getting respawns on TWM about every 70-80 days. Note: The moose was not present on TWM when I first started camping, but spawned some 70-80 days after I got there. Damn thing scared the heck out of me when it spawned!

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