custom mode loot question


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Recently we got custom mode option which allows us to customize certain variables in game. My question is: what does mean "Empty Container Chance"? It is described as "Chance of container being empty" and there is "NONE" value available. When i set this to "none" there are still containers that i found empty: lockers, kitchen cabinets, drawers, file cabinets, car trunks and others. So is there a bug with loot on custom mode or "none "mean low chance instead of zero chance, or maybe container is something different?

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On 12/14/2017 at 5:47 PM, Fuarian said:

None means all containers will be empty.

Actually, it means the exact opposite of that.  None means there should be NO empty containers.  Clearly some are always going to have a chance to be empty, or Hinterland just hasn't fixed this setting properly yet.

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The "none" concept appears in way too many options... whatever effects it may have is not clear at all when setting up the games.

My personal guess is that "none" just means that the current difficulty mode base-settings are used... but I wouldn't bet too high on it either :D  

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4 minutes ago, Ohbal said:

My personal guess is that "none" just means that the current difficulty mode base-settings are used... but I wouldn't bet too high on it either :D  

This sort of makes sense to me as well, as if you choose the option to make no alterations. Then again, what setting would it be based on?

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5 minutes ago, Hackfleisch said:

This sort of makes sense to me as well, as if you choose the option to make no alterations. Then again, what setting would it be based on?

If you look to see what Pilgrim and Voyager default to, then you will see that the chances for the container being empty are set to NONE for both of those.  This means that you will get the highest chances of finding loot in a container.  As I stated before: either some containers are always going to have a chance of being empty or Hinterland just hasn't adjusted the game to reflect no empty containers.  My guess is that it is based on a percentage chance.  None just gives you the best chance of a container not being empty, thereby making the setting NONE very misleading.

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I wish Hinterland would try to explain it because it is really complicated for no seemingly good reason. 

Every container gets assigned loot when it is created.  Save the game before you open one then repeatedly exit/restore/open.  The loot will always be the same when you open that container, only the condition of that loot will vary.  But they added this other wrinkle where sometimes a container that has loot properly assigned all of a sudden goes empty when it gets opened.  Random chance.  Something becomes nothing.  Why?  I can only fathom.  Maybe to make save scumming less advantageous.  Maybe because "random failures make compelling gameplay".  Maybe was a feature in the code they borrowed and here its just a quirk.  

But its weird and its real.  Sometimes the loot you were assigned by the random loot generator randomly gets taken away.  Just turn it off whenever you can.

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