Deadfall timber and scrambling function


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Deadfall timber is extremely common in the bush, especially near muskegs. It makes traveling through such an area slow and exhausting. This could fit in with a climbing or scrambling function. Instead of pitons, you could use slings crafted from strips of cloth and use small stones jammed into cracks as climbing protection points. This could also help resolve some apparent obstacle height issues for scrambling. Scrambling would be extremely valuable for navigating deadfall.


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Not liking that I can't say step up onto logs around the fishing village still...unless it's got a slope of say snow around it. And even then it's hit and miss.

Heck what about mantling the external crafting table at the fishing village if under siege by a wolf...and maybe the nearby roof.

Very rare occasions, you could also potentially mantle rocks...and railings if you go off the beaten path and get stuck.

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I like this. I think that deadfalls would make the game more interesting by providing immersive obstacles. Would love walting over them as well.

Dont like using cloth for those slings - I think cured gut would make for better, and less expensive substitute, since especially later on, you have so many of them, but early on its not really a good option.

Never understood why there is not more of them, and more bushes. I guess the bushes are not there because it would make firewood more frequent - maybe if there were smaller trees with needles on them which would obscure the view more, but were not harvestable. Would love for more immersive obstacles to be in the game, to make wildlife ambushes happen more often and make hunting more difficult.

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