Updated maps of each area (survival)


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Charcoal is your friend. I'm going through all the maps and surveying every important little spot. I found a cliff on Mystery Lake that I hadn't known about for such a long time. Since they change the maps so often here, it's best for you to map them out yourself. The ones I've found online are alright, but I found some inconsistencies because of such updates. I wouldn't depend on them.

Don't worry, after a while, you'll be able to remember where to go.

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Use online maps to get some general awareness of where you can go. Charcoal maps are good choice for detailed scouting. It helped me to find a lot of resources as I could see which spots I had not yet visited.  But not everything is shown on the ingame map, eg a prepper shelter so make sure to check if it is indicated.

Actually I am making screenshots of the maps en then stitch them together to make my own maps not a very difficult thing to do and a it adds to the fun to have a map with your own comments.

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