Bear Bug


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I have unfortunately a bug with which I myself no longer help
can. On the Mystery Lake card, I am on the mission where I am a bear
I have had now already from 6 encounters 5 but now the bear suddenly disappeared and does not dive anymore on now I can not conclude the mission to it there are also no more tracks only a bloodspurr which starts at once and just stops again I hope they can help me.
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I was also on 5/6 encounters with one bullet left last game play.

I thought I have no chance. Then I think what can I do, so headed towards a spawn point I thought might be (cabin logs) or whatever its called near the old cut.  Heard  the bear, seen the bear, closer it gets and I shoot. I finally killed it. yay! now I have 30 plus of meat to eat food at last. Then on to next stage of the mission.

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